Wray “Shocked to His Core” by Abuses of Previous Leadership – IOTW Report

Wray “Shocked to His Core” by Abuses of Previous Leadership

The Constitution: Investigative journalist Sara Carter dropped a bombshell when she appeared on Fox News’ Hannity show earlier this week. In the wake of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s decision to ask Deputy Director Andrew to resign, Carter explains why he would do so when McCabe had already planned to resign in March.

Here’s a hint… Wray was absolutely floored by what he learned from the FISA memo and from the DoJ Inspector General’s report. He wasn’t just surprised, the FBI Director was “shocked to his core”!

Sara Carter: What we know tonight is that FBI Director Christopher Wray went Sunday and reviewed the 4-page FISA memo. The very next day Andrew McCabe was asked to resign. Remember Sean, he was planning on resigning in March. That already came out in December. This time they asked him to go right away. You’re not coming into the office. I heard reports he didn’t even come for the morning meeting, that he didn’t show up.   MORE

23 Comments on Wray “Shocked to His Core” by Abuses of Previous Leadership

  1. If this is true then he would want to see transparency and the release of the memo. According to reports he is threatening to quit if the memo is released. Just how does he propose to fix this mess if he is trying his best to hide it?

  2. It was no secret that Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder before her, were running a criminal enterprise for obama at the Department of Just Us.

    First clue was they wouldn’t go after voter suppression by New Black Panthers. Then the Lynch/Clinton tarmac meeting followed by Hillary’s exoneration.

  3. @joe6pak – “According to reports”

    Makes me wonder. Who is reporting and why are they all screaming? Is it true or are these unnamed sources just chaff to keep us unbalanced and upset so that we miss the truth?

  4. Claudia, I’ve seen the story a couple places but I did not look for the sources. It was at Breitbart, but not there now. However, the bottom line is that if anyone is trying to stop the release, redact the names, or threaten to quit if it is released then I say adios MF’er. Anyone that is not actively part of the solution is in the way and a part of the problem.

  5. If the FBI really wanted to save its reputation it would have jumped on board and cleaned its own mess up. No,they are using the easy, quick fix band-aid of hiding and twisting the truth from the public eye. Not one of them has stepped forward out of fear to take a bullet for America. Hiding in the shadows, with no plan of a real fix. Their silence is very loud.

  6. Shocked he says.

    Wray chose to keep his mouth shut and his career options open even when he knew and saw corruption up close and personal by his superiors.

    Not the type of leader the FBI needs or America requires.

  7. Confirmed 92-5. Full swamp faith.

    “If I am given the honor of leading this agency, I will never allow the FBI’s work to be driven by anything other than the facts, the law, and the impartial pursuit of justice. Period.”

    Uh huh.

  8. First clue was they wouldn’t go after voter suppression by New Black Panthers. Then the Lynch/Clinton tarmac meeting followed by Hillary’s exoneration.

    PHenry, I prefer to think of these events as “bookends to an eight year crime spree.”

  9. Trump let everyone know this was coming with his Tweet in December:

    FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!
    12:30 PM – 23 Dec 2017

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