Majority of Millennials now approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance – IOTW Report

Majority of Millennials now approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance


The latest Zogby poll shows that a majority of Millennials now approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance. That is a stark change from recent years—and just like Reagan in the 1980s, the rising economy is changing their mind.

According to that same January 2019 Pew poll, few Gen Zers and Millennials (30 percent and 29 percent, respectively) “approve[d] of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president.”

If we fast forward to today, according to a May, 2019, Zogby Poll, among voters aged 18-29, 51 percent approve and 46 percent disapprove of Trump’s job performance. That represents a marked improvement among those voters since just January.

According to Zogby, Trump’s improved numbers are based on “Voters’ outlook on the economy the next four years.” Among “Younger voters, especially those aged 18-29, who have been harsh critics of Trump and his presidency, are evenly split on how the next four years will be for the U.S. economy: 44 percent think things will be positive (excellent and good combined), while the same amount think things will be negative (fair and poor combined).’

Keep in mind that in the 2016 Election, according to the CBS/New York Times polling, Hillary Clinton received 55 percent of that vote while Trump received only 36 percent of it. That was a 19 percent advantage for the Democrats.


5 Comments on Majority of Millennials now approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance

  1. About time they woke up from years of leftist indoctrination and see the reality of economic prosperity is good for them versus entitled handouts being a life-sucking force.

  2. See what happens when you leave the plantations of indoctrination and go live in the real world?

    Yeah, working a job and earning a paycheck has a way of turning the most rabid liberal into a conservative.

    All it takes is getting away from skool.

  3. Well, isn’t that generous of them — people whose only real accomplishments in life thus far are to perfect the art of whining self-absorption and delusion that others owe them a means of living — to bend their stiff necks to *give* their sniffing approval to a man who has accomplished things that are real and truly magnificent. How awfully wonderful of them.

    Ask me if I care very much about what they think of POTUS Trump.


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