Why Pocahontas is Unfit For Duty – IOTW Report

Why Pocahontas is Unfit For Duty

And this idiot is unfit for even Twitter-

Army/Navy Veteran‏ @Dlt268rt to @realjuliasong@ewarren

Actually that is a statement of fear. Gas prices were never near 17 dollars prior to fracking. Matter of fact prices were pretty equal to what they are today.

1st of all, fracking began in 1949. Second of all, if this idiot is talking about the modern fracking boom, then he’s admitting prices of gas have remained unchanged for decades. Gee, why is that?

14 Comments on Why Pocahontas is Unfit For Duty

  1. To ‘Progressives’ and ‘Liberals’ who now all identify as Democrats, everything is political: your money, your work, your family, your actions, your decisions, your consumption of products, your choices, your ability to defend yourself, your speech, your thoughts… your freedom… your life.


    This culture either breaks this fallacy or it will die.

  2. Why doesn’t she just say that we need to become the policeman of the world to guard the Middle East’s oil.

    You may or may not have noticed the tens of millions of cars on the road that run on gas. The people who have jobs to get fuel to them. The gas stations. The truck drivers that stock our stores. The mechanics. The ones that maintain our highways and interstates. The companies that make the equipment to maintain that infrastructure.

    But yea. Just ban fuel by waving your hand. And Trump is the wannabe dictator.

  3. She is the political equivalent of a woman in a rural town who gets complimented on some idiosyncratic fashion accessory like an ankle kerchief, and now fully intends to make it her livelihood and is now pestering everyone in town to buy several.

  4. I’m sure the Federal Judges won’t let her do that stuff. haha

    But if she’s elected, that little shirttail burro AOC, who’s been kissing her ass, will be head of the EPA. That’s why Pocahontas cannot be elected.

  5. “… that puts a total moratorium on all new fossil fuel leases for drilling offshore and on public lands. And I will ban fracking—everywhere.”

    “New” fossil fuel leases. There’s no such thing as “fossil” fuels – and she knows it. And the “total” moratorium is only for “new” leases on the imaginary “fossil” fuels. As for “banning” fracking – “everywhere” – I don’t know that the President has that authority.

    “President” is NOT synonymous with “Dictator” – contrary to what Obola pretended.

    Demonrats seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the United States and the whole concept of a Republic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Every democrat candidate is pandering to tiny, emotional, and minimally informed groups who are already going to vote for them. But they’re really pissing off reasonable, logical, and responsible voters. 1 step forward and 2 steps back is not a winning formula.


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