GOP Targeting Four Vulnerable Democratic Senators in Ad Blitz to Block Democrats’ Election Bill – IOTW Report

GOP Targeting Four Vulnerable Democratic Senators in Ad Blitz to Block Democrats’ Election Bill


The Democrats’ “election reform” bill is an existential threat to the Republican Party and the GOP is expected to pull out all the stops, using any means necessary to stop it.

Democratic radicals are also not taking any prisoners in this fight, seeing H.R. 1 as ensuring their party’s dominance far into the future. It sets up as the most consequential political brawl in decades.

To that end, Republicans will use any means at their disposal to derail passage. The first phase of that strategy will begin to take shape next week when the airwaves being flooded with Republican ads against H.R. 1.

“Democrats are attempting an egregious power grab through H.R. 1 that will fundamentally alter our entire election system and dismantle the integrity of the vote, but we will not let them get away with it,” RNC chair Ronna McDaniel told Fox News in a statement. more here

7 Comments on GOP Targeting Four Vulnerable Democratic Senators in Ad Blitz to Block Democrats’ Election Bill

  1. …so there’d be RINOs voting with the Democrats in those four seats instead of Democrats voting with Democrats in those four seats?


    …more proof we’re not going to be able to VOTE our way out of Communism…

  2. II want to see fistfights break out in the Senate, like the South Koreans often do. I want to see bloody noses, black eyes, missing teeth and broken bones. Maybe that will wake up the American People to just how serious the fight for the Nation is.

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