Wapo Writer- Keep Kink in Gay Pride Parades and I Want Kids To See It – IOTW Report

Wapo Writer- Keep Kink in Gay Pride Parades and I Want Kids To See It

WAPO- Lauren Rowello

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Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it.

My wife is trans… That morning she wore a green skirt and light makeup, brushing her hair all to one side. Even though we’d attended Pride marches and protests in previous years, that day was our first celebrating openly as a family.

Lauren’s Wife Brenan

When our children grew tired of marching, we plopped onto a nearby curb. Just as we got settled, our elementary-schooler pointed in the direction of oncoming floats, raising an eyebrow at a bare-chested man in dark sunglasses whose black suspenders clipped into a leather thong. The man paused to be spanked playfully by a partner with a flog. “What are they doing?” my curious kid asked as our toddler cheered them on.

I told them the truth: That these folks were members of our community celebrating who they are and what they like to do.

I agree that Pride should be a welcoming space for children and teens, but policing how others show up doesn’t protect or uplift young people. Instead, homogenizing self-expression at Pride will do more harm to our children than good. When my own children caught glimpses of kink culture, they got to see that the queer community encompasses so many more nontraditional ways of being, living, and loving.

 If we want our children to learn and grow from their experiences at Pride, we should hope that they’ll encounter kink when they attend. How else can they learn about the scope and vitality of queer life?

Including kink in Pride opens space for families to have necessary and powerful conversations with young people about health, safety, consent, and — most uniquely — pleasure.

Kink visibility is a reminder that any person can and should shamelessly explore what brings joy and excitement. We don’t talk to our children enough about pursuing sex to fulfill carnal needs that delight and captivate us in the moment.

I never want my children to worry that exploring any aspect of consensual sex or touch is too taboo.

Kink embodies the freedom that Pride stands for, reminding attendees to unapologetically take up space as an act of resistance and celebration — refusing to bend to social pressure that asks us to be presentable.


In the article she claims there is no nudity at the parades. That is not true. A simple search showed a pride parade with a giant dick.

Joking aside, yes, there is nudity at Pride Parades.

21 Comments on Wapo Writer- Keep Kink in Gay Pride Parades and I Want Kids To See It

  1. Misery loves company…

    These miserable sonsabitches want no one to experience what they feel they have been cheated out of. Especially children. I have lived around these malicious, maladjusted malcontents my entire life and they have lived a miserable life and instead of doing what they can to minimize that for others, especially children, they are on a mission to increase the amount of misery innocent people experience.

    As for sympathy for what they have endured, all of that goes out the window then very second they take positive steps to inflict misery on any innocent person. Pity for their lost soul is something I no longer have any capacity for. Indifference to their suffering and whatever suffering they have endured in the past is the best I have to offer them form that point forward. It is all I can do to not actively wish additional suffering their way.

  2. She got one thing right:

    Kink embodies the freedom that Pride stands for, reminding attendees to unapologetically take up space as an act of resistance and celebration — refusing to bend to social pressure that asks us to be presentable.

    Yes, they take up space. And when is “playful flogging” not abusive? It certainly implies abuse. I bet it’s not playful when they do it away from the public.

  3. Your kids are going to grow up mentally ill, thanks to your child abuse.

    Years ago these sicko’s would have been put in mental institutions, and should not be allowed to adopt children.

    Yes pray for all children that are put into these situations.

  4. @Jason. “Pray for them.”

    Brad, may He be most praised, called me a pussy in these parts. And I’m an “ally” of his that can handle what most would call his label “misogyny.”

    If someone on-my-side like Brad can’t handle dissent coming from our side, then whale oil beef hooked. Fuck these alphabet rejects. You pray for them. I’ll pray for the worthy. Even Brad.

  5. Anyone that doesn’t throw up in their mouth after reading and seeing this is not anyone that I want to associate with, know, or otherwise be around.

    Please God, help us out here…


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