Priorities and Time Prevented Biden from even Mentioning our 13 Fallen Soldiers in Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Priorities and Time Prevented Biden from even Mentioning our 13 Fallen Soldiers in Afghanistan

I didn’t watch. What were some of the more prioritized subject matters? I shudder to think of some of the answers.

7 Comments on Priorities and Time Prevented Biden from even Mentioning our 13 Fallen Soldiers in Afghanistan

  1. He must have been pumped FULL of amphetamine. He handled the reading pretty well except for the Iran Ukraine oopsie and my favorite, can’t build a wall high enough to keep the vaccines out. There were others, and a couple of runs down the unrecoverable rabbit holes but he rebounded quickly enough, probably due to the amphetamine. With Biden (and all democrats) you can only judge on style and delivery as the substance (if you can call it that) of the speech or reading only has accidental grazing contact with reality.

  2. “If I don’t shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!
    If I don’t shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!
    If I don’t shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!
    If I don’t shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!
    *shits pants*
    If I ignore that I shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!
    If I ignore that I shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!
    If I ignore that I shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!
    If I ignore that I shit my pants I gets to rape a girl!”
    -Joe Biden’s priorities

  3. Just as well he didn’t. Given Pelosi’s glee at the mention of soldiers exposed to carcinogens in Iraq, she probably would’ve started fingering herself at the mention of the 13 service members needlessly killed at Baghram due to Biden’s stupidity.


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