Donald Trump: Ender of Dynasties – IOTW Report

Donald Trump: Ender of Dynasties


The era of Donald Trump has brought a great many changes to the political world since 2016, and the year 2023 will be no different – the dynasties of Bush, Cheney, McCain, and Clinton will hold no quarter in either statewide or national office. More

8 Comments on Donald Trump: Ender of Dynasties

  1. It’s really inexplicable to me how savvy seasoned politicians, those that cut their teeth on the ability to tap into voter sentiment and gauge (accurately) the pulse of their constituents, how so many major league players got Trump so wrong.

    I could understand a certain reluctance once he got the job, a political neophyte who had changed positions more times than he changed wives. But how he governed, what his priorities were, and how he carried himself showed a remarkable alacrity in tapping into a nation starved for a leader they could look up to and be proud of. Any American that was proud of and wanted what was best for his country understood the game plan. Why those big-name Republicans could not see this for themselves and get on board, well, their lack of discernment was their un-doing.

    Now, can we add Romney to that list?


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