House Judiciary report alleges a ‘collusive climate cartel’ tried to force Exxon to go ‘net zero’ – IOTW Report

House Judiciary report alleges a ‘collusive climate cartel’ tried to force Exxon to go ‘net zero’


The House Judiciary Committee Friday released a report detailing an investigation into a successful effort to replace three members of the board of ExxonMobil with activist shareholders, Alexander Karsner, Kaisa Hietala, and Gregory Goff. 

According to the report, a “climate cartel” consisting of various climate coalitions, including Ceres and its Climate Action 100+ initiative, coordinated a “pressure campaign” against ExxonMobil. The company had become the target of this cartel, according to the report, when it refused to adopt policies that would reduce its emissions, which would effectively require it to reduce production of oil and gas.  more

5 Comments on House Judiciary report alleges a ‘collusive climate cartel’ tried to force Exxon to go ‘net zero’

  1. The climate hoax is large and profitable.

    From Academia to the maggot media it is being pushed because it leads, unquestionably, to gov control of all commerce, industry, and trade – energy production, distribution, foodstuffs, farming, transportation, &c., &c., &c. – in other words, a nazi-like (the “socialists” (inter-national socialists, soviet socialists, communists, &c.) nationalize industry and trade – the “national socialists” controlled all industry and trade by “law”) tyranny – hence the world-wide propagation of an absurdity.

    WEF seems to be ground zero.

    We are fools to tolerate these power-mad maggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Luigi Mangione murdered an insurance exec. not a climate pirate – a maggot pushing a hoax to topple governments and end western civilization.

    That should be obvious.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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