A Pill For Men May Be in the Offing – IOTW Report

A Pill For Men May Be in the Offing

Science” reports that studies on mice may lead to a male contraceptive pill that makes a man temporarily infertile. This treatment affects a particular protein that keeps sperm flexible (i.e. good swimmers).


One of the only other male contraceptives being studied requires injecting something called Vasalgel, into a man’s vas deferens (male plumbing).

Researchers say the major hurdle to developing a male contraceptive is the lack of funding.




11 Comments on A Pill For Men May Be in the Offing

  1. Researchers say the major hurdle to developing a male contraceptive is the lack of funding.

    Read as: We need more government money.

    Because…no private donors are going to fund this as long as abortion is “safe, legal, and rare.” Think about it. Womyns fight tooth and nail to keep abortion legal but its guys like Bill Clinton that want abortion legal. This way, when their latest vict…uh…paramour says she’s pregnant he can say, “Not my problem, just get an abortion.”

    Abortion is the law of the land because philandering men don’t want to use any type of birth control. You would think the femi-nazis would be able to see this argument clearly but since they are consumed with hate about all things intelligent, they will continue to do the heavy lifting for the philanderers who are laughing at the femi-nazis while boinking them.


  2. Great idea for the guy who wants to slip n slide to his next ho’. Great idea, for the guy who has not, will not, aspire fatherhood and a JOB.
    Undermines the male ego, as we naturally desire to procreate.
    Further socialization, individual lives become meaningless as the animal nature rules over the spiritual one.
    : (

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