A series of unfortunate coincidences – CNN loses satellite just as wikileaks is mentioned by pro-Trump pol – IOTW Report

A series of unfortunate coincidences – CNN loses satellite just as wikileaks is mentioned by pro-Trump pol

9 Comments on A series of unfortunate coincidences – CNN loses satellite just as wikileaks is mentioned by pro-Trump pol

  1. God, it’s just like the old USSR. We already have the government reporting ridiculous figures in dozens of key areas. Our government is infiltrated with traitors intent on destroying our way of life. Our DOJ actively persecutes government oppo. Our tax collectors ignore evaders that back the government. Our government shamelessly colludes with the left dominated media to orchestrate the latest narrative.

    Throw in a Memory Hole, TVs that can watch you and Room 101 and it’s 1984 too.

  2. He lied about reading Wikileaks and he lied about the live feed cutting out.

    I pray he gets testicular cancer but since he doesn’t have any balls I’ll settle for ass cancer upon him instead.

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