A Victim of Circumcision – IOTW Report

A Victim of Circumcision

Palm Beach Post

In a 2017 investigation, The Palm Beach Post traced the deaths of six patients to botched procedures throughout [OB-GYN Berto Lopez] Lopez’s 33-year career. Castillo-Lopez’s death came three months after a number of those deaths and injuries prompted the Board of Medicine to restrict the doctor’s license.

Lopez didn’t tell Castillo-Lopez about the restriction then, nor did he tell the infant’s parents about his license revocation when preparing to perform the circumcision four years later.

“If he did, they would have run out that door so fast it would have broken,” Cohen said.

Instead, they agreed to Lopez’s request for a $250 cash payment and met at his office in West Palm Beach on Feb. 15, 2021. The mother waited outside while the doctor cut off a third of her baby’s penis, severing his urethra. Lopez told the father, who stood beside him, not to worry. The bleeding was normal, he said.

It wasn’t. More

11 Comments on A Victim of Circumcision

  1. “The doctor delivered Castillo-Lopez’s second child in 2017 and left the hospital to change his blood-stained scrubs, returning in time to watch his patient die.”

    …yeah, this guys an idiot, but theres no one else at the hospital that can keep an infant from bleeding to death?

    …seems like they could have widened their cause of action quite a bit…

  2. This was no mistake the guys a stone cold killer. I guess he’s a big fan of late term abortions. I know what the penalty should be. The cost of one good sharp ax. And then let him bleed out.

  3. Is six deaths in 30 years a good record for an OB-GYN? Otherwise, why didn’t they revoke his license sooner. Did the deaths average out over the years, or all come near the end? Whatever the answers are, if a doctor is practicing with a revoked license doesn’t that make his injuries a criminal matter, because this guy should be in prison to keep him from hurting anyone else.

  4. “Instead, they agreed to Lopez’s request for a $250 cash payment and met at his office in West Palm Beach on Feb. 15, 2021. ”

    Bargain shopping for circumcisions?

    Im not sure thats a thing you should save money on, but if so, you probably could have gone to Temple and got a mohel to do it for less…

  5. @Dr. Tar:

    …this guy should be in a prison graveyard to keep him from hurting anyone else.


    This story is just mind-boggling. I mean, non-medical personnel have been doing successful circumcisions FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. It’s not that hard (no pun intended, honest).


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