According to peta: Meat is murder, milk is sexist and cheese is rape – IOTW Report

According to peta: Meat is murder, milk is sexist and cheese is rape


According To PETA, Dairy Products Are Sexist Against Female Cows.

Ooooh, PETA, you sweet, silly moonbats you. (ok, maybe not so sweet)

It must be awfully interesting, living in a world where you publish things like this with a straight face.


Read the rest here


SNIP: I laughed so hard, milk came out of my eyes, my ears, my… Wherever.

25 Comments on According to peta: Meat is murder, milk is sexist and cheese is rape

  1. Typical liberal word redefinition crap.

    These insights will help:
    Sexism is not the end of the world; rape is a violent act; murder is the malicious taking of an innocent life (so abortion fits the definition perfectly).

    The hyperbole of PETA is an affront to those who have suffered horribly and they are thus morally bankrupt. They are the most messed up people on the planet who think animals are more important than humans. Guess what, God has a different opinion on the value of humans versus animals.

  2. Uh, Yea, I’ll have a Dbl-Dbl with grilled onions, frys and a Lrg Vanilla Milk Shake. because I’m in the mood for some murder, rape and sexism!

    PETA can go blow a cow and pound potatos

  3. PETA; If you worthless brain dead drones don’t like meat? Don’t eat meat. Don’t like milk? Don’t drink milk. Don’t like cheese? Don’t eat cheese. In the mean time, stay the hell out of our business. Get jobs, pay taxes, go to hell.

  4. My my, this broccoli okra entree is superb.

    Seconds? Um no.

    What a life twisting oneself from omnivore to….whatever you do don’t invite natural musk woman to dinner.

  5. Extra sharp cheddar aged 5+ years. It’s like 20 bucks a pound and fucking awesome. I figure they stopped crying about it 4-1/2 years ago so it’s free and clear.

  6. At the end of the month, I will be traveling to an undisclosed western state, as I have been invited to participate in an annual groundhog hunt. I will probably kill a minimum of 1,000 of the little creatures over a several day period. I suppose that makes me a mass murderer. I only regret that the groundhogs will disappear in an explosive red mist as my .223 bullets contact their anatomy, making their meat useless, not that I’d eat the little vermin anyway. OK, just kidding! The little red explosions will be what makes it fun. It will be my first such hunt, but I’m told it’s the most fun a guy can have with his clothes on. I’m looking forward to it. I’ve been told to bring at least 5,000 rounds of ammunition and that there will be no chance of running out of the hapless little fellows. I will think of them as mini-jihadists so that my aim will be true. I will dedicate this hunt to the folks at PETA.

  7. Hambone, who’s going to be happier, the ranchers of birds of prey? The birds will feed like royalty for a couple days. Coyotes will be so stuffed they can’t walk. Owls will be so fat they can’t fly. No more broken bones for the cattle. In the city, soccer and football fields will be safer. Nature will take care of what’s left. Point 17s are lotsa fun too.

  8. @Hambone, maybe .223 was a typo, because I’m thinking Walmart .22LR would do the job just fine.

    Groundskeeper Carl from Caddyshack for pro tips on gophers.

  9. Rufus
    Some of those outfitters, yes Prairie Dawg Outfitters, line you up at 1000 yards. Shit they bring trailers out with shooting benched built on top of them. Looks fun, but I get as much satisfaction shooten steel at 1K.

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