Adam Schiff Accuses Trump of Making ‘Veiled Threat’ Against Him – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff Accuses Trump of Making ‘Veiled Threat’ Against Him

Breitbart: Appearing Wednesday on CNN’s Newsroom, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) accused President Donald Trump of issuing a “veiled threat” against him amid the House Democrats’ ongoing impeachment proceedings. more

24 Comments on Adam Schiff Accuses Trump of Making ‘Veiled Threat’ Against Him

  1. And the best one of all: “Be advised, that I’m mean nasty and tired, I chew concertina wire and I piss napalm and I can put a round through a flea’s ass at two hundred meters. So you go hump someone else’s leg mutt face before I push yours in”
    Gunny Highway
    Parroted by Lazlo

  2. Trump isn’t the kind of man who does “veiled” anything.

    If he were making a threat, he would do it openly and directly.

    The Democrats still don’t know who he is, who he represents, or what he and they stand for. Their minds just can’t accept it.

  3. Just Adam’s subconscious telling him he deserves a good solid ass-kicking.
    I’m sure several people would enjoy doing it for him. [ something like paid for beating given to the shooter in Dirty Harry would do nicely]. But Trump never threatened this drama queen nut job.

  4. Must be a case of, “The Many Faces of Schiffy”. One of his personalities is probably butch and threatening his true wimpy, twit identity. Of course, Schiffy blames President Trump for his psychotic conflicted delusions. That’s what lunatics do.

  5. “Trump isn’t the kind of man who does “veiled” anything.”

    Exactly what I was thinking. It does make you wonder if they’re ever actually going to realize Trump doesn’t play THOSE games.

    Yanking people’s chains? Sure. Misdirecting the press? Absolutely.

    But making veiled threats? When has he ever done that?

    Oh. In their imaginations…

  6. will his eyes bug out any further when the citizens grab hold of him and string him up on a lamp post in the dc swamp?

    he deserves to be trialed and hung by a jury of his constituents


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