Adam Schiff gives up on Mueller – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff gives up on Mueller


DC: Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California said his party cannot continue to rely on special counsel Bob Mueller in the Russia investigation and believes it’s up to Congress to crack the case.

Schiff accused President Donald Trump’s campaign of holding nefarious “secret meetings” and said the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence would find out who broke the law. more here


15 Comments on Adam Schiff gives up on Mueller

  1. I’ve been waiting 5 decades waiting for Congress to do it’s job as representatives of the people and supportive of the Constitution.
    It hasn’t happened yet and the pessimist in me doubts it will.

  2. “Adam Schiff gives up on Mueller”

    No, Adam Schiff comes up with a pretext for continuing the torture even if Torquemada gives up. Confess!

  3. Schiff is not particularly astute for a “Harvard” educated lawyer.

    Mueller’s job is not to find out WHO broke the law.

    Mueller’s job is to find out WHETHER a law was broker, if so, WHICH law was broken, and then WHO broke the law.

    Good thing Schiff no longer practices law because he lacks the intellect to do so well. On the other hand, his intellectual ability would make him perfectly suitable for membership in the Congressional Black Caucus.

    Just sayin’.

  4. Now imagine Schiff taking Nunes’ job as leader of the Intelligence Committee. If that doesn’t motivate Republicans to vote in November, I don’t know what will.


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