AFL-CIO Members Finally Wake Up To Dem’s Betrayal – IOTW Report

AFL-CIO Members Finally Wake Up To Dem’s Betrayal

The heads of seven unions representing 1.5 million workers have written a letter demanding their umbrella organization, the AFL-CIO cut ties to hedge fund billionaire and environmental extremist Tom Steyer.


 They Accuse the labor confederation of being “infiltrated by financial and political interest that work in direct conflict to many of our members’ – and yes, AFL-CIO dues paying members’ lives.”


The main bone of contention is Steyer’s opposition to the Keystone pipeline and the democrats willing to do his bidding in order to keep the tens of millions of dollars flowing from his PAC, For Our Future.



 Labor’s finding out the hard way that the Dems have found a new friend willing to pony up more money for his pet causes than their unions are collectively worth.