After What Joy Behar Said, How Does She Still Have a Job? – IOTW Report

After What Joy Behar Said, How Does She Still Have a Job?

Why isn’t every feminist attacking Joy Behar after what she said on The View?

Why isn’t HILLARY CLINTON attacking Joy Behar after what she said? After all, it was Hillary that put out a statement saying all women should be believed when they come forward with rape and assault allegations.

Democrats can say and do anything they please and there are no repercussions.

17 Comments on After What Joy Behar Said, How Does She Still Have a Job?

  1. Its never too late for an abortion. She is a perfect candidate for post birth abortion. Scissor in the head and then tossed into a garbage dumpster.

    What that old died up twat doesn’t offend me. I expect that and dismiss I. What i dont like is that she lives an unmolested life, free to spew her hate, without an ounce of fear.

    Women who really care need to target that whore at her apartment in Manhattan and her new estate in the Hamptons. Protest at her homes and make not just her fearful, but more importantly, her snotnosed neighbors. Make them turn on her and make her feel the extreme discomfort from them turning on her and blaming her for ruining their peace and quiet.

    Dont get her at her work because nobody cares. Get her in her personal space and that old cunt will crumblein ONE day. They hate it and they are cowards. They fold immediately when its happening to them. I’ve seen it happen. Its very satisfying.

  2. doesn’t matter; anyone who actually watches these harpies is already lost. I used to think there weren’t enough morons to keep a show like “The View” on the air. But, looking at what’s become of America, it’s hard to understand why there are not more shows just like it. Oh, wait – there are….we’re so screwed!

  3. I wonder if Joy Behar ever soaked a cork? Whadda y’all think?

    Soaked? no. But I bet she shriveled more than a few.
    When trying to prolong the moment.
    Some guys think of baseball.
    Some guys think of Grand Maw.
    But no man will dare, think of the Behar.

  4. This is the threat to the Republic with a Hillary win. Laws will not apply to all but rather only to the unprotected class. The slave class. Rape- well, yah, thats bad unless you were raped by His Royal Highness; if His Royal Highness should cast his eye on you then sit back and enjoy the ride honey. Treason? Of course that is bad unless Her Royal Highness set up her own server to avoid all FOIA acts then there is nothing to see here.

    The lemmings of the left can be counted to line up and support this lawlessness because they think it means they are winning or something. The very notion that we are all equal under the law is about to be destroyed and we are all witnessing it in slow motion.

    That speech Locki makes about how all should bow to him… I’d prefer that over the Clintons. Same general outcome but without the lies and hypocrisy.

  5. Joy Behar was a nothing before the view and will be a nothing after the view. Her thoughts on rape seem to suggest that it’s all right if the protected class do it I wonder what her thoughts would be if it were done to her, not that I’d wish that upon her but it may change her view and make her more sympathetic to victims of sexual assault. The rest of the idiots on the panel also seem to forget that Hillary, while acting as a public defender, destroyed a 12 year old rape victim (accusing her of perhaps having sexual fantasies of older men as well as violent sex fantasies and other barbaric accusations, a 12 year old!) then laughed about it later. This poor girl was so brutally sexually assaulted by these men over a period of time and the physical damage so great that she was rendered impotent and Clinton laughed.

  6. I keep thinking about the Adam Sandler movie Longest Yard where Adam and Chris walk into the TV room where that one lone Mexican guy is watching The View on TV, and he’s laughing at Joy and saying “Where do they come up with this shit?” That word, right there, pretty much sums up all of Joy’s opinions.

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