AHAHAHHAHaaaa – Look What Left-Wing Twitter is Circulating – IOTW Report

AHAHAHHAHaaaa – Look What Left-Wing Twitter is Circulating

For some idiotic reason, one they cannot articulate, this would make them like Melania more.

Try and figure out that particular mental illness.


30 Comments on AHAHAHHAHaaaa – Look What Left-Wing Twitter is Circulating


    This is what they do when they are desperate, defend their real ‘deplorable’ despicable nature, behaviour and actions.

    We have to keep an eye an these rabid dogs…

    Where were the posts they did of FLOTUS during the campaign photoshopped to include a dick? No the Fourth Estate, then at that time, tried to spread the fact that she was a illegal tramp model.

    Not a tranny of course, as Joan Rivers said of Michael…eh hem..scuse me, Michelle. “Everyone knows….”

    Joan DIED shortly thereafter LOOK IT UP.

    Fail then FAIL NOW, LEFTISTS.


  2. Ha! In 2 seconds,I found the same photo in Google Images. Yeah, photoshopped.

    So, is the Left going to compare which FOTUS is,um, “bigger,” and if bigger is better then Mooch wins and they lose, again.

    Good grief.

  3. I know it’s photoshopped, but still, done very badly and it’s not physically possible in that position. Mitch, on the other hand used to scratch hers in public so we just assumed she had one.

  4. Unlike the Wookie Moochelle there are actual pictures of Melania when she was a model wearing essentially NOTHING that PROVES she is ALL WOMAN. Problem is the vast majority of morons out there that give political power to the leftists are simply TOO STUPID to do anything but believe whatever garbage the media whores present to them.

  5. KMM, this just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the whole “Mitch’s Package” thing just drove them up a wall. I appreciate their validation.

  6. The left just doesn’t “get” satire. The photo of Moose’s “package” was funny because Moose is so un-feminine. It is un-funny when they try it with Melania, because she is SO feminine.


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