AI Generated Political Ad Shows a Dismal Future If Biden Is Reelected – IOTW Report

AI Generated Political Ad Shows a Dismal Future If Biden Is Reelected


In what looks to be a first for American politics, the Republican National Committee released an AI-generated campaign ad yesterday in response to Joe Biden announcing his reelection bid. Although the RNC disclosed that the ad was AI-generated, the corporate media still went into freakout mode.

The 30-second ad, called “Beat Biden,” uses AI image generation to produce images of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and images of some doom-laden hypothetical scenarios if the current occupant of the White House wins re-election. More

219 Comments on AI Generated Political Ad Shows a Dismal Future If Biden Is Reelected




  2. The problem with that ad is that it portends all these bad events if Biden is re-elected, hell, all that stuff could happen a lot sooner. Come this time next year we may be looking fondly at 2023 as the glory days.

    These ads need to hit Biden on current events and make a clear concise distinction,”Are you better off now than when Trump ran things?”, using any metric you like, illegal numbers, inflation, national debt, world peace, military readiness, school performance, and general all round misery that everyone is feeling.

  3. Knowing how I felt watching Turdette Get re-elected for a 3rd time,
    I sincerely PRAY that This corrupt Imbecile does not get a 2nd term.

    Believe me, It really makes you feel EXHAUSTED to know that you live among MORONS. Toronto, Quebec, & Vancouver. The Rural, Non Citiots, are FANTASTIC but the population centres love their Welfare. Corporate & personal.

    I hope the Leafs get slaughtered by Tampa Bay tonight.

    Which news agents are most accurate?

    It is important to note that there is no single news agency or source that is 100% accurate all the time. Each news agency has its own biases, perspectives, and limitations, and it is important to evaluate the accuracy of their reporting on a case-by-case basis.

    That being said, there are some news agencies that are generally considered to have a reputation for accuracy and impartiality. These include, but are not limited to:

    Associated Press (AP)
    BBC News
    The New York Times
    The Washington Post
    The Wall Street Journal
    It is important to note that while these sources are generally considered to be reliable, they may not always be unbiased and may have their own perspectives and limitations. It is important to seek out multiple sources and perspectives to gain a well-rounded understanding of an issue.

  5. The lines of demarcation continue to clarify here. We have a lot of Trump Loyalists, like myself, and then we have Loco and Rich, two staunch Trump haters or just enamored by their fav, Ron DeSantis. Be interesting to see what the actual numbers are. One thing fo sho is, nobodies going to change their position. Management should run a poll.

  6. Between Trump and DeSantis, let THEM play it out, I already went through this bullshit with Mr. Pinko a few years ago. It’s not worth it to become non-friends through a primary.

  7. “Stop using “The lines of demarcation continue to clarify here” and “loyalist”…these are words of a crazy person.”

    Explain that comment. I think most people would agree.

  8. RT

    Someone needs to motivate Governor Desantis to complete this second term we for which he was re-elected. He is still young enough to be able to run in 2028. We need him to continue the good job he did in his first term as our Governor.

    I don’t regret voting for him again. He certainly beats the alternative of Charlie Flipflop. We voted for him to complete second term.

  9. Meerkat

    You don’t think there’s division? Really? What rock have you been hiding under. And for your information there’s a lot of people that consider themselves Trump Loyalists.

  10. @Anonymous

    A reasonable comment, I appreciate the contrast from the hair-on-fire approach some exhibit here.

    What makes you think he needs the motivation to complete his second term? It sounds like you live in Florida, how has he been doing as governor? He has not entered the arena, so for now all he is doing is living in the heads of Trump and his sycophants, which for us GOP loyalists who will vote for whoever wins the nomination is highly amusing.

  11. Loco just typed this,
    “Trump is now the establishment.
    Deal with it!”

    Which I got a good chuckle out of. Rich, do you agree wit that statement?
    Meerkat, maybe you should ask him to tone it down. Wada ya think?

  12. @Meerkat

    I commend you as well for being reasonable and measured. I always thought that it was those brain-dead leftists that did not tolerate dissent or a different opinion, that it was our side that championed free speech and free expression. But some here just can’t abide any deviation from what they mistakenly think as their version of conservatism as the only true version. I know, stupid, right?

  13. “If this was a Make America Great ad they would be going after RDS.”

    So this is Rich trying to act like the reasonable Trump hater, taking cover under passivist Meerkat.
    No need to answer my question above.

  14. “maybe you should ask him to tone it down”

    Except that anyone paying attention can clearly see the pattern; you always throw down first, then when you get your ass handed to you, you slink off, and whine to “The management” that someone is being mean to you.

    Notice that in all the exchanges neither loco nor myself has criticized you for your loyalty to Trump, that’s fine. Too bad you can’t follow suit. Whether it’s being thin-skinned or hubris (blind hubris I might add), you can’t deal with anyone that does not think like you.

  15. “Except that anyone paying attention can clearly see the pattern; you always throw down first, then when you get your ass handed to you

    Seems to me it’s the other way around Rich. You guys checked out awfully early last night.
    I maybe at the wrong blog. Maybe this is DeSantis territory.

  16. @Meerkat

    What I meant was that you can and should be allowed to be loyal to any candidate you want and not get criticized or attacked by someone who does not feel the same way. Seems pretty reasonable, doesn’t it?

  17. Meerkat

    Just wait until Loco shows up. It’s the butt brother double team. You don’t understand what I and others have been putting up with.It’s chicken shit at best.

    Sorry you feel that way about Trump

  18. Meerkat

    You’re wasting your time here. And you will get no help. Just sayen, go enjoy your evening. If this community wants to continue to put up with this shit it’s up to them. We may not agree politically but I’ve missed your participation here. I’m done arging with them. And to be clear, I don’t care if you don’t like Trump. I get it. But actively campaigning for Ronda and insulting people that differ from their agenda. Pisses me off.

  19. If Rich wants DeSantis, he’s going to be disappointed. And somebody else is going to be pleased. Whether that is 60-40 or 51-49 I don’t care. I care about our nation and not elections day-to-day!

  20. welcome to demonrat-rule here in new haiti (formerly America) – the obidens will party like it’s eighteen-hundred-four (1804) -read the “history” of s-hole haiti, where anyone who can has already left for the dominican republic.


    I take it you mean you. Well yeah, you deserve it, you’re a cowardly POS. Stop fucking campaigning and insulting people that don’t agree with you. Just like Teddy. How’d that end up?

  22. I didn’t complain about being offended, however Brad does use leftist tactics all the time.
    My problem with Trump is he’s using them too, attacking DeSantis from the left flank with lies because it’s difficult to fault all the conservative wins for Florida RDS is stacking up.
    Dude’s trophy case is stocked!

  23. Meerkat, Yes it has been a long time and it sounds like lots of stuff has transpired that you’re not aware of. Did you catch the thread where Brad said that he would rather lose without us then win with us? Did you catch the thread where he tried to whine to the management to get both loco and I banned because we were being mean to him? Did you catch any of the dozen threads where Brad would pull some fact out of his ass and then when we would ask for a link for verification, he would just say Google it and then run away?

    The simple fact that you said at least three times that you are a Trump supporter and then and one of his comments he says,”I don’t care if you don’t like Trump”, this should tell you that he can’t even read.

    And for the record, no I’m not a Trump hater nor am I a DeSantis supporter, I’ve said at least half a dozen times here that I would prefer they both enter the arena and fight it out like men, to put forth their arguments and their electability, and let the best man win.

  24. Meerkat if you think Trump is the only guy with a backbone you must not know a damn thing about DeSantis.
    In the past 4 years he has taken on teachers unions, CRT, BLM, Disney Inc, Fauci, the WHO, WEF, digital currency, groomers, trans-assholes, drag queens for children, the biden* admin, and basically destroyed the Fla dems to an extinction level.

    Trump himself said that he didn’t fire Fauci because of the shitstorm it would cause.
    The fact is, Trump actually awarded Fauci a medal!

  25. “Meerkat if you think Trump is the only guy with a backbone”

    It has nothing to do with backbone you dumb shit. Trumps seen the beast. Trumps been beaten by the beast. Trump not a stupid man. Trumps pissed. Trumps out for revenge. Let the games begin. And DeSantes betrayed him. Because DeSantes is not a big thinker.

  26. It seems to me Trump endorsed DeSantis and DeSantis endorsed Trump.
    I can find an hour worth of both RAISING each other.
    Videos that are not that old.

    Just because someone endorses you, you think that they are forevermore ingratiated and beholden to the endorser?
    That is fucking insane!

  27. @Brad, this “idiot” said, “There is no candidate that is electable that can way waste on these ABC agencies, the media the way it is, and congress except Donald Trump. Period end.”

  28. Brad: “Trump did that with his endorsement and fucked him. Period, end of story.”

    So, DeSantis won re-lection by 20 points “only because Trump endorsed him?”
    Shall I list ALL OF THE 2022 candidates like OZ, Lake, and a dozen other TRUMP ENDORSED THAT LOST THEIR BIDS?

    Yep, it was that all powerful Trump endorsement, not that fact that he had been a kickass governor for 4 years.
    Hmmm, if his endorsement is worth 20, how has he never won a popular vote?
    How do his other picks lose???

  29. Yes Brad, Melania is one class act and a terrific lady, that’s why it is so disgusting that that Trump had to cheat on her multiple times with anything with a skirt, a great president but a despicable human being.

  30. Meerkat, you don’t seem to be versed in current events.
    Trump has told a bunch of lies about DeSantis.
    He has praised Charlie Crist, Gavin Newsom, said Florida was a shithole under DeSantis, said that he was a lockdown governor, supported Disney & Bud Light, and basically shit all over all things conservative.

    Look at Brad, leveling infidelity charges against RDS.
    Another lying sack of shit.
    Perhaps I have higher standards and don’t want assholes to be rewarded?

  31. “Meerkat, perhaps you aren’t used to people pushing back on Brad’s bullshit?”

    And I say it’s not right for you two morons to tag team and intimidate any body that doesn’t want to suck Rondas unit. Meerkats a DeSantis guy. Cool with me, I’m a Trump guy, I’m assuming that’s cool with him. You guys cross the line big time and are too ignorant to realize it. From now on, just call each other.

  32. “You too Rich, where did Trump hurt you? if So please point to your wee-wee.”

    Thanks for the confirmation, and here I thought you might be a person to take seriously.

  33. “Meerkat, you don’t seem to be versed in current events.
    Trump has told a bunch of lies about DeSantis.
    He has praised Charlie Crist, Gavin Newsom, said Florida was a shithole under DeSantis, said that he was a lockdown governor, supported Disney & Bud Light, and basically shit all over all things conservative.”

    Half of there are lies and the other half I couldn’t care less.

    This is what Tucker said, a war between good & evil.

  34. ^^^^^ yet again proving that Brad can’t fucking read.

    “@Brad, I appreciate your input to iotw. I especially your support for donald Trump, I support his presidency as well! I am all-in for Donald Trump 2024.”

    Meerkat, posted 10:18 PM

  35. This week Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida made a trip to Israel to sign HB 269, a bill that makes it a felony with up to five years in jail for passing out “offensive” flyers or pamphlets. This move has been widely criticized by free speech advocates and legal experts as a gross violation of the First Amendment. The bill states that anyone distributing “any material for the purpose of intimidating or threatening the owner” could be convicted of a felony “hate crime.” While we often write about the “hate speech” rules on Big Tech platforms, this is far worse. This is the state of Florida violating the First Amendment of the United States.

  36. @Loco, you have no idea where I’ve been nor where I’m coming from. You have been here the whole time fighting with Brad. Good for him to keep you and Steve occupied! I’m outta here and going back some real push towards Donald Trump! The only one who will wreak havok upon the state!

    Prohibits person from distributing onto private property any material for purpose of intimidating or threatening owner, resident, or invitee; prohibits person from willfully & maliciously harassing, threatening, or intimidating another person based on person’s wearing or displaying of any indicia relating to any religious or ethnic heritage; requires violations be reported as hate crimes; prohibits display or projection of images onto building, structure, or property without permission; prohibits person who willfully enters campus of state university or Florida College System institution for purpose of threatening or intimidating another person from remaining on such campus after being warned to depart.

  38. “I’m outta here and going back some real push towards Donald Trump! The only one who will wreak havok upon the state!”

    And yet Brad has said you don’t like Trump and are pro-Desantis. Welcome to our world, where Brad can’t read simple English and either distorts or misreads every comment we write. And now he is doing it to you.

  39. joe6pak

    Last week I was reading some weird shit on Ronda being Anti Semitic. My immediate thought was WTF? Honestly I’ve never heard the man say anything that would lead me to believe he hates Jews. After all, Florida’s gotta have Synagogue on every block. But flying to Israel to sign this stupid bill? I hope Florida tax payers weren’t on the hook for this stunt. The man has terrible political instincts.

  40. “But it must be realized that, when dealing with an utterly ruthless enemy who has clearly expressed his intention of wiping this nation out of existence, there is no room for any scruple or compunction about the methods to be employed in preventing him.”
    ― W.E. Fairbairn, All-in Fighting

  41. Hey Loco, Take your’s way down a notch, this is the internet, you know? Or are you going to post a big muscle man pic to try and scare me? You wanna match wits? I know that you know and that we will not be both on Jeapeardy at the same time. So Your chest puffing is duly noted. But not respected. Don’t tell me what I don’t know.

  42. @Meerkat, you said about halfway through this thread that I lied about something and I asked you how. Don’t retreat like Brad does with some snarky rejoinder like “Google it”, provide some clarification.

  43. Loco, how can you think I’m repeating leftist talking points? We have a well known syndrome of TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, I’m thinking there must be something to go with DeSantis. How about DeSantis Oblivious Of Reality Syndrome, or DOORS. I can do better but it’s time to call it a night,

  44. “See joe6, I posted the actual bill for all to see & judge themselves.
    Not some leftist spin on it like you posted.”

    Doesn’t have shit to do with the bill you stupid fuck, it where he decided to sign it because he was accused of being a Jew hater. A very poor side step.

  45. Yes, this is Bizzaro-world, Meerkat types that I lied about something I asked how, to clarify the lie and he comes back with,”what did I say you lied about…waiting???”, I don’t know!!, you are the one that said. This is just too weird.

  46. ‘Did you know that it takes a man in a tweed suit five and a half seconds to fall from the top of Big Ben to the ground? Now there’s not many people know that!’

  47. That Florida bill DeSantis signed allowed conservative speakers to speak on college campuses without being intimidated or run off by leftists.

    These fucking lies and spin are infuriating.
    Quit lying to people and just be honest.
    Your guy requires lies to win?

  48. Meerkat, please find the post where either Rich or I:
    “neither loco nor myself has criticized you for your loyalty to Trump”

    His loyalty to Trump is fine.
    His lying about RDS is what I push back on.
    He can blow Trump for all I care.

  49. Me, I told ya I was going to bed…I lied, I told ya you were telling the truth, I lied. No, I just had to scrub this one thread for a few minutes and throw it in your face. I lied to show that you lied, you created this lying game.

  50. Loco

    Fuck off, you and your bitch attack, double team, anyone that does not completely buy into your fucked up agenda Make no mistake, you two are the bullies of IOTW. We should meet in person sometime so we can calmly discuss our differences. Maybe we could come to some agreements.

  51. At meerkat, you need to learn the difference between a lie and an observation.

    You said it yourself that it’s been a long time and you need to catch up but yet you are all over the place. You said that I was the one that called Trump the establishment but it was not me it was loco. You said that Brad called you a dumb shit when he didn’t he called loco that. At 9:13 you called Brad a crazy person. You really are all over the place.

    And ask for Brad throwing down first, this thread is a perfect example. None of my initial comments included him but on his comment at 9:32 p.m. he threw down first, and this has always been his MO, attacking us first so no it is not a lie.

  52. I threatened no one. I’ve just noticed through life experiences usually little midget muther fuckers are a lot more respectful when you’re standing in front of them. Never fails.

  53. I agree with Brad. I don’t hate DeSantis let this thing play out. Why are you two, Loco & Rich so defensive on some aspects, and attacking Trump on the other end? If you wand to have a debate, that’s fine. But your posts are just like left-wing crap.

    If you think DeSantis is the Holy Grail, make your case, but not the complete crap glorifying bullshit that you are currently posting. We are more mature here and we want facts.

  54. Pistols @ 10 paces. Well the America public think Biden & Trump are way too old & it’s time for a younger man to be President. One full of piss & vinegar. But right now DeSantis gots the mix all wrong. All piss no vinegar.

  55. “I agree with Brad. I don’t hate DeSantis let this thing play out.”

    Non sequitur, that is not Brad’s position at all, you are right, it has been a long time and you have not been paying attention.

  56. At meerkat, you started off pretty reasonable in this thread but then you went off into all these crazy directions, attributing quotes to people that did not even say those things. You say that you agree with Brad, the guy that misquoted you three separate times in who you support, do you agree with his position that RFK Jr would be better than RDS? Do you agree with the notion that it’s better to lose without us then win with us? See, this is the bat shit crazy things he’s been saying.

    As I’ve said, and as I’ve proven in this thread, Brad is always the one that throws down first and is looking for a fight.

  57. “It will soon be found that the principal value of the training lies not so much in the actual physical holds or breaks, but in the psychological reaction which engenders and fosters the necessary attitude of mind which refuses to admit defeat and is determined to achieve victory.”
    ― W.E. Fairbairn, All-in Fighting

  58. Brad’s name-calling is his lone tool in lieu of intellect.
    He calls a man a woman’s name in a 5th grader’s effort of demeaning a man.
    It tells you what kind of man Brad truly is.
    He is indeed a true misogynist.
    He considers women inferior and thus calling a man a woman’s name is the ultimate insult.
    I feel sorry for the women in his life that he has no respect for.

  59. Whereas I don’t agree with Brad regarding RFK, JR.
    I was probably clinically insane, as Loco mentions when I:
    – Voted for George Bush TWICE thinking he would follow through with the policies that made his predecessor, Ronald Reagan so successful.
    – Voted for Bob Dole, still waving the Reagan banner like an idiot
    – Voted for George W. Bush twice thinking that was a winning strategy.
    – Voting for John McCain because anything is better than a communist.
    – Voting for Mitt Romney because my business of transporting dogs INSIDE the car was doing so well.

    The I was sane,
    I voted for Trump Twice, and I’ll do it a third time.

  60. Again, meerkat, you haven’t been around here recently to gauge the temperature of the water. Both loco and myself have extended the Olive Branch to Brad several times including my comment above because we grasp the seriousness of the situation. We know that we are all on the same side, we want Biden and his evil minions defeated and Republican in the White House.

  61. Well, I will not share a Bud Light with Loco & Rich for obvious reasons. But I will give you two a fist pump. I hope that Brad is also willing to take ant-Trump/Pro-DeSanstis postings in stride just as Loco & Rich will do the same regarding pro-Trump/ant-DeSantis postings. Not to silence ourselves, but to just keep it civil. We owe BFH & crew that much for letting us have this forum.

  62. So on that note, I will tell you why I am pro-Trump. The reason is that I think we need to go scorched-earth regarding our government. And there is no one other than Trump who can do that PLUS has a reason (vengeance) to do it.

  63. I’m fine with legitimate criticism of either but I hate lies and disinformation.
    Take what joe6 posted earlier.
    Talking points from a leftist site regarding a bill.
    Totally posted to defame Desantis with lies.
    He said it was against the 1st Amendment but quite the opposite.
    It allows free speech but doesn’t allow leftists to BLM private property.

    That kind of bullshit I will call out 24/7.
    We need to be better than that.
    Trump doesn’t need to go ‘Tonya Harding’ on DeSantis to win.
    I WILL call out his lies like any leftist on this site.

  64. I agree to call that bullshit out, @Loco! But Rich has got to stop with the lies. Because he is just pissing off Brad…

    Rich Taylor AT 1:28 AM
    When Brad gets frustrated he threatens physical violence, as evidenced by his comment at the 12:36 p.m.
    Brad AT 12:36 AM
    Fuck off, you and your bitch attack, double team, anyone that does not completely buy into your fucked up agenda Make no mistake, you two are the bullies of IOTW. We should meet in person sometime so we can calmly discuss our differences. Maybe we could come to some agreements.

  65. Meerkat, Brad has a legit history of “wanting to beat my ass.”
    He was simply being coy.
    He would likely admit this if he had a spine.
    Calling Rich a liar is ridiculous.
    All I ask is you pay attention if you are going to call someone a liar.
    Brad threatens violence from time to time.
    Nothing new here.

  66. Meerkat, the reality is Brad gets SO unhinged and is triggered very easily.
    He starts with the name calling and ad hominem attacks.
    Rich & I enjoin in the heated rhetoric because we aren’t pussified wallflowers.
    On occasion when Brad is losing badly, he engages in either veiled or outright threats of physical violence.
    We take it as a matter of course, it’s who he is.
    We all see it.
    I have no reason to lie about this whatsoever.

  67. At meerkat, you are making yourself look really ridiculous.

    There are at least five different posters here where Brad has threatened physical violence. About 6 months ago he even gave the name of his gym where he visits, the name of the owner, and told the poster to just show up and the owner would call Brad and they could meet in the ring.

    If you are going to comment about personalities here you should at least follow the threads where this behavior is demonstrated.

  68. At meerkat, think about it, what other reason would there be for you wanting to meet up with somebody that you are arguing with? To go out for a cup of tea? You really can’t be that naive.

    Trust me, this type of behavior has been repeated many times here.

  69. Brad is a popular personality here, I get it. He beat cancer, he talks about guns and working out and beating people up, and those are all alpha male qualities that people gravitate to. I just wish that we could keep things more civil, more even-handed, and dispense with the vitriol and the personal attacks which gets us nowhere.

  70. Just like people stop buying Bud Light, you just never respond to or talk about Brad. Even if he starts up and another poster asks you, just say, “I don’t comment or communicate with Brad”. Make him your personal mute button.

    I got into it here in 2016 with Mr. Pinko over Ted Cruz and Trump. It gave BFH headaches. Me and Mr. Pinko are friends now IRL. It turned out well, the only victim was BFH. Let’s not do that to him in this primary!

  71. I will also mention that back in 2016, BFH kicked his close friend, Mr. Pinko, off the site for some time because of that dispute.
    You say “NUCLEAR!”, don’t think that you could be next.
    Just ignore him if he is pressing your buttons.

  72. These were the types of comments that stated happening that made BFH start kicking people off.
    Anonymous AT 1:59 AM
    Fur, make these boys stop fighting. It’s making me a headache.

  73. This guy is all about dividing and trying to get Trump supporters to say violent things so he can have them arrested. It’s what Federal agents do.

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