Al-Qaeda in Kashmir Urges Indian Muslims to Target Hindus – IOTW Report

Al-Qaeda in Kashmir Urges Indian Muslims to Target Hindus

Breitbart: An al-Qaeda faction in the disputed Kashmir region has reportedly urged Indian Muslims to engage in jihad against “Hindu extremists” and establish sharia law in the Himalayan area.

Although Pakistan, its ally China, and their rival India all have competing claims to Muslim-majority Kashmir, Beijing has mostly stayed in the shadows of the dispute, backing Islamabad when necessary.

In an audio clip released this week, Sultan Zabul Al-Hindi, the leader of an alleged al-Qaeda faction in Kashmir known as Ansar Ghazwatul Hind, reportedly indicated, “Jihad will protect the community’s identity and character … it is important for us to unite. Jihad is life,” reports News18.

Al-Qaeda and its rival the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) have been expanding their presence in Kashmir in recent months.  read more 

4 Comments on Al-Qaeda in Kashmir Urges Indian Muslims to Target Hindus

  1. wonder if it involves the famous Kiber pass where the two countries guards open the iron gate, and stomp feet,and kick legs up high….. WONDERFUL to watch…scary also , it…its beautiful to see

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