Amateur Code Breakers Decipher Zodiac Killer’s Message – IOTW Report

Amateur Code Breakers Decipher Zodiac Killer’s Message

Washington Times

A coded letter mailed to a San Francisco newspaper by the Zodiac serial killer in 1969 has been deciphered by a team of amateur sleuths from the United States, Australia and Belgium, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Friday.

The cipher is one of many sent by a killer who referred to himself as Zodiac in letters sent to detectives and the media. The Zodiac terrorized Northern California communities and killed five people in the Bay Area in 1968 and 1969.

According to code-breaking expert David Oranchak, the cipher’s text includes: “I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me. … I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradise all the sooner because I now have enough slaves to work for me,” the newspaper reported. More

12 Comments on Amateur Code Breakers Decipher Zodiac Killer’s Message

  1. I remember this jerk, I lived in San Francisco at the time and people were scared $hitless. I recall him killing a young couple at lover’s point. They were students at a 7th-day Adventist college. IIRC, a young boy found some of the money but no DB Cooper. The money was marked and none turned up in circulation. I’m sure the guy died and he isn’t in Paradise.

  2. I cracked this code years ago. This message actually said “I make $1,500 per week working two hours a day out of my home. Send me a self addressed stamped envelope to learn the secret.”

  3. ““Slaves”? So he was racist?”

    More likely a part of some Satanic occultist belief system, they sometimes believe that way and make sacrificial killings believing they are gaining power and position in the afterlife.

  4. Wyatt IPG: I almost busted a gut over that one.

    The reason the FBI was not able to crack it is because they were too busy participating in a coup against President Trump.

    I lived in north Marin County in late 1969. I remember when he threatened to attack a school bus. I was considered to far away so we didn’t have a police escort.


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