Another way to get out of jury duty? – IOTW Report

Another way to get out of jury duty?

Just The News

A federal judge sent potential jurors home who weren’t vaccinated against COVID-19 during the jury selection process for the trial of Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the medical science company, Theranos. More

17 Comments on Another way to get out of jury duty?

  1. ^^^ well said

    definitely a prejudiced jury, and they’ll fill it from the prejudiced pool
    they’re making quite a production for it
    maybe they should say who their investors were. If she goes down, they might too. They’re not stupid- they knew what they were investing in

  2. It’s wrong that serving jury duty is involuntary: 13th Amendment says no involuntary servitude, right?

    That said, I’m pleading with you all to go ahead and do it. Jury duty is the only time you as an individual citizen have the power to make direct decisions about the govt’s wielding of its police and judicial powers. Especially lately with the explosive rise in “lawfare” shit from the left, you may have the opportunity to stop an injustice, especially in feddle court.

    The other side of the coin is the opportunity to be sure that some really nasty, evil bastard gets the book thrown at him. That can be satisfying, too. I know from the personal experience of helping to convict a druggie of second degree murder.

  3. wonder if a ‘judge’ using the ‘jab’ excuse to disqualify jurors would be grounds for dismissal in a case trying to convict a medical ‘science’ company executive?

  4. Uggh. I have to report for jury duty in Philthydelphia on the 27th. I haven’t been jabbed and I live NOWHERE near Philly. I’m three counties west of Philly, but it’s US Federal court, so…how does a 60 year old grandmother homeschooling her grandson get out of jury duty?

  5. Anybody else notice that the operative word is “vaccinated” as opposed to “immunized?”
    The entire propaganda organ has quit using “immunized” and substituted “vaccinated.”
    A quiet admission, perhaps?

    When I was a kid (ancient history) you had to be “immunized” against Smallpox, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Polio before you were allowed into a public school. ALL discussion of CoV-19 centers on “vaccinated” NOT “immunized.”


    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “how does a 60 year old grandmother homeschooling her grandson get out of jury duty?”

    Look at the exemptions list.

    I’d bet a fiver you qualify for one of them. Around here, being the only care giver for another person is one reason.

  7. judgeroybean SEPTEMBER 6, 2021 AT 11:24 AM

    Since 99% of judges are compliant liberals sportin’ a few fresh jabs it won’t be long before every liberal judge will be a gonner.

    Feel good comment of the day.


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