Anthropologist J.D. Unwin- On the Decline and Collapse of Feminist Societies – IOTW Report

Anthropologist J.D. Unwin- On the Decline and Collapse of Feminist Societies

English Anthropologist J.D. Unwin examined 80 tribes and 6 civilizations to write, “Sex and Culture” in 1934. His findings on sexual promiscuity and feminist societies is being reexamined today for insights into the future of Western Civilization.  Watch

More on Unwin’s “Sex and Culture” Here .   You can read a free digital copy,  Here

5 Comments on Anthropologist J.D. Unwin- On the Decline and Collapse of Feminist Societies

  1. Now, these brave fearless self-sufficient women need the support of the government to line their cages and take care of their litters. The rabid ones want to kill their litters, and yours, too.

  2. This will probably not make me popular, but here goes anyway:

    It was a major mistake to give women the right to vote in the US.

    The inherent bias of women is a liberal bias. That is not true of all women (of course) but that bias is fundamentally in opposition to America’s founding principles.

    Just sayin’.

  3. @Mark Roth January 13, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    > This will probably not make me popular
    Don’t worry, @Mark. I got dis. (Nobody’s gonna see your itty bitty glimmer o’ hate, after…)
    ‘Scuse me, while I whip dis out.

    > It was a major mistake to give women the right to vote
    And? The effect is clear. The cause was known, before it was even proposed. And, now, what? Oh loyal patriots? What “corrections” do you propose? That are both feasible (now, not then), and not treasonous?

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