AOC Asks On Twitter If An Enemies List Is Being Kept, Is Reassured By Democrat Operative That It Is – IOTW Report

AOC Asks On Twitter If An Enemies List Is Being Kept, Is Reassured By Democrat Operative That It Is


Left-wing Democrats and Never Trump Republicans appealed Friday for assistance in compiling lists of Trump supporters to they could be held “accountable” for supporting President Donald Trump after the election.

“Democratic socialist” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.” More

28 Comments on AOC Asks On Twitter If An Enemies List Is Being Kept, Is Reassured By Democrat Operative That It Is

  1. LOL.
    The leftists think they’re safe from crazy commies like this?
    After the commies destroy free speech and free thought and anyone who doesn’t tow the hive mind mantra they’ll go after everyone else.
    AOCommie forgets that almost everyone outside of the big cities she’s occupied have guns.

  2. @Thirdtwin – that PISSED me off to no end!

    Speaking of burning? Should the POTUS NOT pull this last one off? As a new private citizen, burn and I MEAN BURN, the Swamp…from the EXTERIOR.

    He tried to ‘drain’ it from within, but a flamethrower or two to the exterior of the old broken clapboard ‘house’ will do it…

    And I REALLY hope that he does that.

    THEY started the ‘war’, he will finish it, I do NOT doubt THAT part…this man has the mind of an elephant.

  3. There are more guns than people in the United States. And guess what, soy boy’s and Karen’s aren’t the ones who own them.

    There haven’t been riots yet because our side doesn’t do that. And there won’t be, even when these socialists steal this election. And there still will not be riots when they decide that it is time for them to start taking our guns so they can do what they want. At that time, it will be an actual war. I’m glad I am on the side that is armed, and doesn’t piss itself at the sight of a gun.

  4. Damn straight, ghost. All we got from the scum in Barky’s regime was “by the book” and “buy the book”. All of them guilty as hell and free as birds. And coming back for an encore if Deathly Joe gets installed.

  5. Elephants may never forget and even if they’re supposedly scared of mice, we aren’t scared of their vermin and other rat/rodent like critters. The mice may have controlled the universe in The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy but not in the real world.

  6. This is exactly what the Democrat party has evolved to, and why they want your guns. And don’t kid yourself, they have useless fools to come get them. The longer we let them stay in power the worse our chances of survival become.

  7. The people giving the orders never pay a price for it so they continue giving them till they end up getting their way.

    AOC was just reelected which qualifies her as a permanent Congressional fixture now.

  8. There’s no way that simpleton created that tweet, it was created for her and she regurgitated it.
    No doubt she agrees with it but it’s not something her undeveloped mind could have conjured.

  9. @gin blossom, agreed, she can’t even count to potato. Her vocabulary is proven to not contain words that big.

    QUESTION: Here’s a sitting Congressperson speaking _false_ evil over half the USA’s population. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE REPUBLICAN U.S. REPS, U.S. SENATORS, REPUBLICAN STATE LEGISLATURES, REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS? Not a peep from ANY of them, or has the commie news network shut them completely off the air like they did to Trump a couple days ago?

    If we’re on our own, it’s past time to get our asses out of our chairs.


    A lot of them are probably (secretly) on her side, and the rest afraid to speak up and take a chance on offending anybody for fear of retaliation.

  11. “There are more guns than people in the United States. And guess what, soy boy’s and Karen’s aren’t the ones who own them.”

    It isn’t the “soy boy’s and Karen’s” you need to worry about.

    It’s the ones on the hardcore Left that have every intention of using them you need to be worried about. And they all own them too, all purchased with the sole intent of using them against the right -you- if they don’t get their way.

    I take it you’ve never been involved in a bullets flying everywhere and dead people all around you type of situation so let me explain something about it: It isn’t fun, it isn’t exciting, and it isn’t something you want to see happen if you’ve been in one before. Chest thumping armchair bravery does you no good at all if you end up there and will likely get you and those around you real dead real quick if you expect it to.

    Far better to look for a different path before you end up in that situation than to somehow expect to come out the victor if you end up in it because you didn’t.

  12. There is no silver lining in the election, but only a realization that Joe will still be faced with riots and rebellion. The leftist mob has tasted blood and Biden as president will not satisfy their lust.

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