Apparently it was a big year for blackface at the ol’ Alma Mater – IOTW Report

Apparently it was a big year for blackface at the ol’ Alma Mater

The page preceding Northam’s, in his infamous yearbook, has this overlooked photo.

Is this showing three guys in blackface and dresses?

The word on the street is that one of the dudes in the picture, also a doctor, has been identified and will be crucified. It would have flown under the radar if not for Northam winning the governorship.

We’re not going to name him.

ht/ hot salsa

15 Comments on Apparently it was a big year for blackface at the ol’ Alma Mater

  1. no slack or quarter should be given regardless of the reason, purpose, or event that promoted this cultural appropriation and racist hate crime.

    It would be that way for a conservative, right?

  2. Whut’s the problem? At the moment this is whut they identified as…
    Gee Wally, if it weren’t for Double Standards, democRATz wouldn’t have any standards at all.
    They don’t Beave, they don’t.


    Everyone knows that the kkkk was stahted by Republicans. You all need to get on your knees before St. Jolson, patron saint of minstrels, and beg for forgiveness for your racist sins and I hope you catch cancer.

  4. Not to defend Northam’s activities but I’m glad that no one gets upset over some stupid photo taken when I was a dumb teenaged student. I was always the epitome of righteousness when I was young (yeah right). I would hate to think that some one would take be outraged and cost me my entire career by overhyping a childish prank. Some people need to grow the hell up.


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