‘Apprentice’ Contestant Accusing Trump of Sexual Abuse Contacted Him this Year for Business Help – IOTW Report

‘Apprentice’ Contestant Accusing Trump of Sexual Abuse Contacted Him this Year for Business Help

GP: Another day, another sexual harassment smear on GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump by the mainstream media.
Except this one just fell apart.

The latest woman, Summer Zervos who was a contestant on ‘The Apprentice,’ claimed today that Trump sexually harassed her.

But, as it turns out, it was Zervos who continued to stay in contact with Trump.
Via the Donald Trump Facebook page:


7 Comments on ‘Apprentice’ Contestant Accusing Trump of Sexual Abuse Contacted Him this Year for Business Help

  1. REgressives do this constantly-remember the avalanche of accusers against Herman Cain? And after he plummeted, poof, gone.

    It’s the same old shit, racist, homophobe, islamophobe and sex fiend-yawn.

    The day I see a REgressive stand up and say, I’m proud of my work in Detroit and I want to bring the vision that made Detroit what it is today, to everyone in this country, is the day I know I’ve died.

  2. Please! Same crap from the left. It is so easy to discredit.

    There is a pattern with Trump. One only needs to look at the women this guy has dated or married.

    One can conclude this is false simply because she just isn’t attractive enough for DJT to hit on.

  3. The problem is not whether these false accusations can be easily disproved it’s that the MSM run with them and when the truth comes out they never and I mean never retract the story. The public who are on the fence are left with the original false accusation and are never told anything different unless they go hunting on the net to find conservative sites, blogs or maybe a low-rating affiliate of the original Network News channel that ran the original lie (if it was broadcast) or they just stumble across the truth while surfing.

    I know it 20-20 hindsight but Trump or his people should have expected this and early on created a team of razor sharp lawyers, investigators and researchers who sat with suitcases packed and reacted immediately to each one with lawsuits and demands for front page retractions as they were disproved or at least shown not to have been vetted by the news group in question. As each one is shown to be false they should then have filed suit against the accuser and reporter (not the media outlet though). That may well have shut down some of this crap.

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