Are We Going To Freak Out Every Time Trump Does What He Promised? – IOTW Report

Are We Going To Freak Out Every Time Trump Does What He Promised? Three months ago, Candidate Trump promised that on Day One of his presidency he would, if elected, “suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur.” President Trump didn’t get around to that until Day Seven, which means he was a week late. Yet everyone is acting as if this all came out of the blue.

The executive order Trump signed Friday afternoon instituted a 90-day suspension of immigrants from countries listed by the Obama administration as having a significant foreign terrorist organization presence. The reason is to give relevant agencies the breathing room to review their procedures and make sure that “adequate standards are established to prevent infiltration by foreign terrorists or criminals.”

The order also suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, giving Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence time to “determine what additional procedures should be taken” to make sure that terrorists aren’t slipping in under the guise of refugees — a legitimate concern. It also sets a slightly lower 50,000 cap on refugees for this year than has been in effect over the past decade.

Trump’s actions should not have come as a surprise to anyone who was paying even the slightest attention to the presidential campaign.

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29 Comments on Are We Going To Freak Out Every Time Trump Does What He Promised?

  1. the left did themselves in

    they lulled their electorate into a state of complacency

    the media lied to them and gave them a comfort blanket, no worries, hillary has this, trump is a joke

    they expected the obama years of social justice, climate change, and freebies to simply be continued under hillary

    they lost the election, and now their minds

  2. The left will freak out and shit themselves is Trump so much as smiles. Their manic Trump Derangement Syndrome demands that they display unreasoning hatred of Trump. The man could rescue 10,000 nuns and baby orphans from a fire single handedly, and the left would STILL find something to complain about.

    Bunch fuckin’ faggots.

  3. The left will freak out and shit themselves is Trump so much as smiles. Their manic Trump Derangement Syndrome demands that they display unreasoning hatred of Trump. The man could rescue 10,000 nuns and baby orphans from a fire single handedly, and the left would STILL find something to complain about.

    Buncha fuckin’ faggots.

  4. Elections have consequences we’ve been told. These are the other side of the fence’s “American values.”

    Viva la Trump! Viva la America! Tough sh_t to you leftists who think you always have the moral and ethical highroad with out regard to others. Now taste the bully pulpit of the incumbent President.

  5. It has been so long since a President actually kept his campaign promises and acted like an real American, that the MSDM and their Leftist allies in the ACLU are having trouble handling the truth. I don’t think these people are going to like the higher Court Decisions that are going to uphold Trump’s Executive Order. Elections really do have consequences. For the first time in eight endless years, the consequences of an election are worthy of this great country’s patriotic citizens. Socialism and Political Correctness must be destroyed!

  6. I am not going to freak out since the President is doing what he promised to do in many cases. But “they” are going to freak out no matter what he does so he should carry on, push ahead and melt as many snowflakes as possible.

  7. I talked to my German friend today. You think it’s bad here, Europe is completely unhinged about Trump. He has become the scapegoat for their problems, as well as the best squirrel ever. The media run the most lurid smears and fake news stories with impunity, and our juicebox journos just lap it up unquestioningly. That’s how Daily Beast got schlonged by that fake Reuters site. And it’s how tomorrow’s skinnyjeans will get rolled by Acme Euro Press.

    Anyway, here they are, giving Trump a Khizr Khan job again. We should have known that the 2016 campaign would never end.

  8. “This is not good Obama Hillary Chelsea Susan rice etc are with the protesters and telling them to continue”

    Hmm. Where have I seen this pattern before?

    Off the top of my head – two places. Ferguson “Give them room to destroy” and OWS With Pelosi’s stated support.

    The left really is out to kill the America that brought us here.

  9. The paid protesters will protest the toilet tissue President Trump uses, should Soros tell them to do so.

    They don’t realize that they have sold themselves into the slavery of a political pimp.

  10. @Moe Tom… turn off tv “news”. I did for the most part, and I am happier for doing so. Most “news” programs are unworthy of attention, and most tv reporters are obnoxious dullards.

  11. What you are witnessing is Trump taking his 3D chess skills to the next higher level – the fourth dimension, which is time.
    He is hitting the press, uni-party, USCOC and the globalists with soooo much, SOOOOO FAST that they cannot keep up.
    Watch – while he has everyone (even us) so caught up in what his left hand is doing he is about to do something with his right hand that nobody will notice…..something that nobody will see coming.
    I hope it’s good!

  12. Of course, the left is balistic. They have no control over the law or the overwhelming support Trump has from a majority of the American people.
    As for Europe they’ve been in a death spiral long before Trump became president. Trump is running rings around the RINO infected congress and he’s not concerned about rabid democrats. The backlash is against the left in so-called “flyover” country, not Trump.

  13. Every time I’ve walked into an office
    in the last 10 days, seen the media doing
    the Trump freeekout, I’ve smiled. We have
    a man in the White House that loves America.
    Shit don’t get no better than that.


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