Argentine Abortion Advocate Dies Aborting Her Baby – IOTW Report

Argentine Abortion Advocate Dies Aborting Her Baby


Spanish language media reported last Sunday that radical pro-abortion supporter Maria de Valle Gonzalez Lopez died during what she labeled her “dream” abortion operation. She was 23 years old and was the leader of the Radical Youth in the La Paz municipality in the province of Mendoza. Her death has sparked a fierce debate about abortion in Argentina and led for calls for women to know that the procedure can sometimes carry serious risks.

On April 11, the woman underwent a legal abortion procedure in a local hospital. The operation turned out to be fatal for her. This fact came as a shock to the public as this was the first recorded death following the approval of the country’s controversial pro-abortion bill passed on December 30, 2020, which legalized abortion in some cases. Previously, abortion was illegal in the predominately Catholic country. More

31 Comments on Argentine Abortion Advocate Dies Aborting Her Baby

  1. Argentina used to be one of the richest countries per capita in the world. Prior to WW2 the phrase “rich as an Argentine” meant you were very wealthy.

    Then along comes the national Socialist Juan Peron and he impoverished the country in less than 10 years. He was a forerunner to Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, another national Socialist.

  2. Anyone sick enough to deliberately get pregnant just to have an abortion to make political brownie points with her fellow communist scum deserves death. Glad that thing was taken out before it reproduced.

  3. regarding dictator Generalissimo Juan Peron, I forgot to mention that he was also a paedophile.

    What is with these paedophiles? Do they seek to obtain power so they can gain protection from justice and feed their sick appetites? Or do they obtain power like most greedy corrupt politicians and realize their Teflon® Coating now permits them to live out their sick fantasies?

  4. Mansfield Lovell
    APRIL 18, 2021 AT 2:57 PM
    “regarding dictator Generalissimo Juan Peron, I forgot to mention that he was also a paedophile.

    What is with these paedophiles?”

    …Pedos have thrown over the traces of civilization for good, and done it so thoroughly that even God Himself gave up on them and turned them over to a reprobate mind. Romans 1 goes into this in some detail.

    Having done so and no longer in fear of God or Man, they are free to lie, cheat, steal, connive, backstab, betray, injure and murder when and as they see fit, all without a shadow of a conscious to bother them any more.

    In other words, they are the perfect politicians.

    …it doesn’t go to the top for the majority of them, because they need ambition, some looks, and a glib tounge to get to be a pedophile president, PLUS the luck to have kingmakers consider you to be the perfect distraction, so most are content to simply rape and ruin children’s lives until they get caught, killed in prison if we’re lucky, freed to rape again if they’re not…but they still share a thing with the highest politicians.

    That is that they get off on domination, on forcing submission, on grinding helpless victims into the dirt, then making them eat the shit they grind their faces into. The “sex”, if you call it that, is incidental to their lust, important that they get to claim their complete victory over a broken body that could not defend even its most intimate secrets from them, but it’s more the screams and cries of utter helplessness that get them off than anything else.

    Just like a politician.

    …the high muckity mucks probably enjoy it as a victory totem when they have children of the moderately powerful offered them. This is where Joe Biden gets off, roughly jerking young girls around so they are forced to where he can take his pleasure in fondling and sniffing them, with the added thrill for him that it’s in front of God abd cameras and parents and police and EVERYTHING, and NONE dare deny Him his very public depredatons. Watch this video to see what I mean.

    …Joe has apparently been molesting children a long, long time, so it’s old hat to him. Even his grand daughters seem trained by long molestations, there’s a video of one that actually lifts her skirt when he kisses her ON THE LIPS that seems to be a trained, ingrained response to what is simply the best way to get it over with quickly, since they long since learned no one will help them and Grandpa will get what he wants. It’s even possible that they’ve learned he finds submissions boring, and will move on if they offer no resistance.

    …it’s really just that the political pedophile has pushed his sickness to its ultimate conclusion. A brutal and perverted sadist that ceaselessly seeks more and bigger thrills, but like a heroin addict the buzz gets harder and harder to get until only raping entire nations will serve.

    That’s where Juan was.

    And that’s where Joe is.

    God have mercy on the children.

    Because Joe sure as hell wont…

  5. ::::: April 18, 2021 at 2:14 pm

    Hope they didn’t bury them together. She was no mom-to-be.

    The baby’s body parts were used for scientific purposes in Dr. Waldman’s laboratory. In case you don’t know him, he was the creator of Frankenstein.

  6. I want women to have a choice. Don’t spread your legs if you don’t want to get pregnant.
    If you choose to have sex and make a baby, don’t take the choice of life away from the child.
    “You have a God-given right to live inside your mother. To debate whether it’s right or wrong to rip you out of your mother’s womb? What in the world has happened to us?”
    If you don’t believe God exists at all, about the only hope you have at all is that he not be there. That’s your hope – Maybe he’s not there. What we’re saying is ‘We trust that he is.
    You are going to die. Don’t forget that.
    – Phil Roberson

    I think it’s quite simple. If your mother had aborted you at ANY point during her pregnancy, you wouldn’t be here. That tells me when life begins.

    Life begins at conception. It’s obvious, because nothing grows if it is not living.

    “(Embroys) don’t behave like clumps of cells. Instead, they appear to act independently, or autonomously, of any signals from the mother’s body, whether in or out of the womb. And “clumps” don’t do that. That means, as we suspected, embryos know what they’re supposed to do to live, and they try to live, whether they’re in their mother or not.”
    – Ana Maria Dumitru

    I guess not getting pregnant when having consensual intercourse is really difficult for some people and their lifestyle means more than life itself. A more selfish act does not exist.

  7. Good riddance

    “She had grown up in the country and was studying. Last year she was elected president of the Radical Youth of La Paz. She was also a district queen for Desaguadero,” the former mayor of La Paz and administrative secretary of Deputies, Sergio Pinto, explained in the same medium.

    As he explained, the young woman “was just beginning in the world of politics” and had not held any public office. González was dating and studying a degree in Social Work at the National University of Cuyo (UNCuyo).

  8. One would wish an abortion advocate would live long enough to comprehend the selfish destructive nature of the act and to be able to denounce it for other to learn from.
    One would also pray the misguided individual never takes a life she has helped to create.

    This story is a double tragedy.


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