Ari Fleischer: Conservative Prosecutors Have to Go After Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Ari Fleischer: Conservative Prosecutors Have to Go After Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hunter Biden

GP: Some conservatives have suggested that the Democrat persecution of Trump won’t stop until conservatives start going after Democrats in the same way.

Former George W. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer is now one of them.

Last night on the Hannity show, he suggested that conservative prosecutors need to go after people like the Clintons and Hunter Biden. MORE

12 Comments on Ari Fleischer: Conservative Prosecutors Have to Go After Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hunter Biden

  1. I believe we need to remove everyone from congress. Yes we’ll lose a few good ones, but that’s worth price. Hell, I’d rather see us pick congress like we do jurors. You get a notice in the mail that says, “you have been selected to serve as senator for your state. Report to Washington DC on January 10th.”
    Do you honestly believe that 100 people chosen at random could do worse than the current 100 senators we have? Same goes for the house.

  2. The difference is that the bidens, clintons, peloseys, etc. are provably guilty!


    “Provable” to you BUT NOT TO “NO STANDING” ROBERTS! Ultimately it is JOHN ROBERTS who will determine guilt.

    Liberal John has a 23 year track record of leftist decisions!

    Were I Chief you’d be right! But I’ve been conservative over 70 years!

  4. post script on CRACKER

    John’s 25 year liberal ruling is intact. Just read that the boy/girl “pepper” can run against girls !

    There never has been a judge as liberal as John! Earl Warren is a way back second! No liberal will ever be “provably guilty” to Roberts! Now any conservative GUILLTY!


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