Arizona Rep Mark Finchem Launches ‘Guardian Defense Fund’ to Fight Against Defamation, Big Tech Censorship – IOTW Report

Arizona Rep Mark Finchem Launches ‘Guardian Defense Fund’ to Fight Against Defamation, Big Tech Censorship

National File:

The Guardian Defense Fund, a new organisation set up by Arizona Rep Mark Finchem, will help fight back against the defamation of election integrity champions and Big Tech censorship.

Finchem, an Arizona State Rep, raised over $15,000 to fight back against claims from Arizona Democrats that he, former State Rep Anthony Kern, and Congressmen Biggs and Gosar, incited the “insurrection” on January 6th at Capitol Hill.

However, Finchem isn’t stopping there. With the creation of the Freedom Defense Fund, more legal action will be taken against slanderous accusations of treason and sedition.

According to the fund’s website, the lawsuit against Arizona Democrat House Caucus Leader Charlene Fernandez is only the first legal action to be taken, with the Fund wanting to challenge the malice standard set by New York Times v Sullivan, which requires that “a public figure prove actual malice on the part of a person who defames them in the context of filing a false criminal report released to the press when filed”: read more

2 Comments on Arizona Rep Mark Finchem Launches ‘Guardian Defense Fund’ to Fight Against Defamation, Big Tech Censorship

  1. Your case has no standing.

    Or it’s moot, we haven’t decided which.

    Let’s just call it both. Dismissed with prejudice.

    But this Court would invite any countersuit against Guardian Defense Fund at this time. We promise a fair hearing followed by a large settlement in Big Techs favor.


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