Asking Trump To Unconditionally Accept the Results of an Election is Absurd – IOTW Report

Asking Trump To Unconditionally Accept the Results of an Election is Absurd

I made the point last night that the question poised by Mike Wallace Jr. was absolutely ridiculous and a bit of  60 Minutes-style ambush stunt. Chris learned well from his father.

“Will you accept the results of the election?”

“Uhhhh, yes???????”

The question presupposes that Clinton is as pure as the driven snow. Wikileaks shows that she isn’t and that her campaign will do anything and everything in order to win, so Trump’s answer was perfect – “we’ll see.”

That answer signals that he will not roll over like an idiot in the face of impropriety, like Romney, McCain or any other Democrat lapdog.

Trump doesn’t play that way, that’s why he is the important game changer.

Trump’s speech today in Delaware was pitch perfect. See ——>



18 Comments on Asking Trump To Unconditionally Accept the Results of an Election is Absurd

  1. That might have been the most ignorant question of the night. Has Chris Wallace not heard of Project Veritas? Only a Jeb Bush clone would pledge to accept a fixed election. Like everyone else, I can’t even describe my disgust of our media! Present company excluded of course.

  2. Currently, the MSM is telling how Trump has “clarified his statement on not accepting election results”. After realizing what dolts they looked like. I think that particular “gotcha” is almost played out. They’re moving on to “nasty woman” now. I just heard on the news that Janet Jackson’s “Nasty” is really getting the downloads. That was it. I guess it takes time to assemble the outraged.

  3. It was the same question put to him by the crooked and complicit media at the first debate (was it Baier?) about the results of the primaries. Man, could they even be more obvious about their plans?!

    Wallace, no matter how generously we praised him for his fairness last night, is still carrying water for the corruptocrats. When are we going to get real journalists and honest reporters?

  4. The set up was very clever indeed, but Trump didn’t fall for it. If he had said yes it would put to rest the corruption being discussed via Wikileaks, DNC dumps etc… Now not only is it still front and center, the MSM has to eat crow and coveri it instead of silly locker room talk.

  5. The clintonites are not going to accept a Trump win. That “nasty woman” and all the nasty creeps who cling to her are going to show all their true colors, and I hope they suffer many casualties when they act out their psychotic rage over losing the election.

  6. I didn’t mind Wallace asking the question, but it could have been asked better because discussing “rigging” cannot be done in two minutes.

    In a representative democracy, the integrity of the voting process is of utmost importance. If there is voter fraud or other suspect activities, these should be investigated to the fullest. Most Republicans want to protect the integrity of the voting process; most Democrats want to block any investigation into the voting process. You decide which party is hiding something.

    Trump also refers to the obvious bias of the media as “rigging.” This is not illegal, but it exposes the MSM for its hypocrisy and damages their integrity and reputation. (I’m looking at you, Shep Smith). This issue has apparently hit a nerve with the American people; Trump can go after the media because he has nothing to lose on that front, and Hillary has to counter with “the Russians did it” bcause she knows the media is in her pocket.

    Will Trump accept the results of the general election? Yes, he has no choice. But if Trump loses, does he have to now play the Bernie Sanders bootlick role and kowtow to Clinton? No, and neither do any other Americans who believes Clinton is a corrupt contemptible candidate. Clinton can garner more votes than Trump, but she will have to do more than that to earn the respect and support of a significant percentage of Americans.

    The MSM talking heads were all in a titter about “the peaceful transition of power.” I agree, that’s what we do and that’s an important principle for this nation. But requiring conservatives to cease active opposition to people like Clinton just because she won the election is not required, and the right to dissent is also an important principle for this nation.

  7. An investigation would prove that only democrats engage in the various frauds, the largest being illegals voting. In a fair world Trump would be given the victory. Of course the democrat/globalist faction will not concede. How do we respond? I suggest the secession of the states Trump wins. (Plus states where proof of majority exists). Then he can be the President.

  8. Trump should have answered Wallace by saying “what the hell kind of questions is that? were you a reporter back in 2000?” And then go on to say “if there are precincts reporter 106% voter turn out and they are 100% coming in for Hillary I’m going to ask questions.” “If a box with enough votes pops up out of nowwhere to give Hillary the win after the previous 3 counts gave her a lose, like it did in Minnesota for Stuart Smalley I’m going to ask questions.” And, should the dead rise out of their graves in Cook County Illinois, like they have in the past you can bet I’m going to ask questions”. In short, if Hillary’s team does not cheat I won’t ask questions.

  9. Keep reminding yourself, many undecideds who only listen to the propaganda shills in the media have never heard of much discussed on national TV in these debates. They no doubt will wonder, and if they care for our nation, will start checking other sources than the lying complicit corrupted leftists in main stream media. MSM is losing their strangle hold. Anonymous Hackers and others on the world stage are busy and are being heard.

  10. With the high enthusiasm of the Trump campaign, I’m surprised the pundits aren’t talking up a high voter turnout. If Trump can get 20% of the usual non-voter to cast a ballot for him, he can overtake the undecided and illegal votes that go for for Hillary.

  11. Rigged??? Ask Bernie Sanders if the process is rigged or not. Obama is whiner-in-chief when it comes to campaign. Claims that Trump shouldn’t complain/whine about rigged/voter fraud but when confronted with leaked emails he goes off the whining scales. Campaign 2016 is a nightmare…thanks mostly to smearocrats.

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