At What Point Will NeverTrump Admit They Were Wrong? – IOTW Report

At What Point Will NeverTrump Admit They Were Wrong?

I’m not going to say the time is right now for the crow eating. But it’s getting there.

The arc has been pretty sublime.

Trump is not serious about his run –> Trump can’t win the primary –> Trump will lose to Hillary –> Trump is a liberal who is only in it to insure Hillary wins –> Trump is down double digits in the polls –> Trump didn’t win, Hillary lost –> Trump will appoint liberals –> Big deal, a few good cabinet picks, just wait until he reveals his progressivism, it’s coming.

What if it never comes, as I expect it won’t? Will the idiocy I am reading on these NeverTrump sites ever cease?

Again, I expect it won’t because, after all, Trump can’t fill EVERY cabinet position with Ted Cruz, so he’s a failure.

26 Comments on At What Point Will NeverTrump Admit They Were Wrong?

  1. Their echo chamber is growing ever smaller. Don’t begrudge them. Stupid people need a place to hang out too. They’re not effective; they’re not reaching anyone but their wee little circle of true believers. Quietly let them be to stew in their own resentment and flaccid anger. Eventually they’ll tire themselves out.

  2. Just like the snowflakes and libturds drive more people our way when they open their mouths, the Nevers will find that their pronouncements will drive more and more people away from taking them seriously and being worthy of credence.

  3. The bitter clingers of the group are going to keep on course to make further asses out of themselves. Case in point, the Free the Delegates CO group that caused their stink at the RNC are now on to the Free the Electoral votes. CO voted for Hillary – get over it. They are as far gone as their leftist counterparts.

  4. Wiz,

    I’m not ready to write them off. They are, for the most part, good people. The left is going to spend the next 4 years to marshal all their powers of darkness and we will need every man on deck to get trump another 4 years.

    If Trump can find a way to put Cruz and or Romney to work and fulfill his promise to “Make America great again” that will be even more solid and a case for an even bigger win in 2020. To be clear- trump does not need them but if they can server him for the greater good they can lead by example to our lost brethren @nt.

  5. #PrezTrump trumps #NeverTrump every day of the week, by definition.

    It’s kinda like continuing to belong to the Flat Earth Society after you’ve been shown video of our rotating ball of a planet from space. Self-delusional.

  6. Dianny has it right. They are like the “Coffee Party” — remember them? It was a group of mostly southern CA people who tried to get a thing going against the tea party. And like the Coffee Party, the only real threat #NT poses is to themselves and their own lives. The rest of us are still partying like it’s 1999! And we’ll keep partying for the next 8 years. No party poopers at this party. Lead, follow or get the heck out of the way!

  7. I’m not only ready to write them off, I’m ready to send them to the bread lines which is where many of you would’ve ended up if hillary was elected.
    This “they’re good people” is crap. Would good people support a felon for prez?
    Would good people want blm, open borders, no 2nd amendment, no 1st amendment, etc, etc.
    Give me a break. These people do far more harm than good. Promote the people who fought so hard against these traitors and let the #nevers rot!

  8. If ‘Hillary Victory Fantasies’ and ‘Cry-Ins’ lose their oomph, staying well stocked up on the coloringbooks & crayons, play-dough with a therapy dog might help lighten the harsh reality. When everything else fails, pop some Xanax, head to the roof with kindred spirits and jump.

  9. Pelopidas, Trump has never shown any of the traits that the tinfoil brigade constantly accuse him of. It is up to them to move to Trump and support a patriot. He has enough to do without trying to convince these shit stains that the world is not flat.

  10. They’ll never admit they’re wrong because most of them are borderline Aspergers cases who’ll never understand how politics actually works. Just check out Ben Howe on Twitter for a perfect example of obtuse, Never Trumper foolishness. He can’t have the “perfect conservative” by his definition; so he makes common cause with marxist assholes instead.

  11. It’s not the right time for #neverTrump to be eating crow? Wait..what???

    Man it’s been the right time since it was called for Trump at 2:30 am. And the more rioting, the more picks like Sessions, the more petulance from President Stompy legs, the more play doh rooms with puppies, the fucking better it gets.

    I might get tired of winning but I will NEVER tire of watching butthurt REgressive videos.

    And I swear to God, if Trump appoints Romney to even the national dog catcher, to say the least, I’ll be disappointed.

    I had to put up with 8 years of shit from Obama/Jarrett voters and the likes of George Will having fucking dinner parties welcoming the jerk off to DC or telling me the crease in his pants is so perfect ya just know he’s gonna be a saint, so fuck ’em.

  12. Just STOP even mentioning them. To say the hashtag name is to keep their life support plugged in. Let them die the natural deaths, ignored and irrelevant. UNPLUG them already!

  13. Their goal is now to make Trump’s life difficult. They’re failing miserably, which is amusing to watch.

    What they want is a Republican party that is virtually indistinguishable from the Democrat party on all the ‘important’ issues (globalist cucking). This is what they have had for the past 35 years or so. That is over, and they are throwing a tantrum – both over losing, and over us waking up to their game.

    They are not disgruntled Republicans. They are, mostly, Democrat infiltrators – neocons – whose main mission is to hijack the Republican party and use it to fuck America (and the rest of the world) in every way they can.

    They were shown the door. We shouldn’t want them back. Being de-platformed from the Republican party is the very least they deserve.

  14. So I’m keeping tabs on Sweaty Thumb on the radio, and yesterday he comes back from a break tittering to himself and he says, ” Sorry, just got a text from a friend…Mike Pence. I know, humble-bragging.” No, Thumb, it’s called name-dropping. STFU.

    Thumb has been making a point this past week of telling his radio audience how close he and Pence are. Now might be a good time to send Pence a selection of Thumb’s most egregious nevertrump quotes. Just in case Thumb is not full of shit about being buddy-buddy with Pence.

    If Thumb manages to wangle a job out of the Trump admin, I will be pissed. I’d rather see Romney get a job than Thumb.

  15. At What Point Will NeverTrump Admit They Were Wrong?
    When JohnS comes on here and and admits he was wrong about everything. That is, when hell freezes over or “global warming” destroys the planet.

  16. I think they have gone way past worrying about Ted Cruz. Now they are trying to protect any credibility they may once have had. And they are not emotionally mature enough to “man up” and admit they were wrong. For an example of emotional immaturity, see “SooperMexican” at Right Scoop. He’s about to start bashing Cruz for even talking to Trump.

  17. “For an example of emotional immaturity, see “SooperMexican” at Right Scoop. He’s about to start bashing Cruz for even talking to Trump.”

    Or the moonbats at moonbattery – I jumped on there earlier to see if there was any lessening of derangement but it’s still raging out of control. They won’t eat crow because they and the left are all birds of a feather.

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