Atheist Wants To Make Christmas Great Again – IOTW Report

Atheist Wants To Make Christmas Great Again

He thinks Christmas will be “great again” if people don;t go to church.


20 Comments on Atheist Wants To Make Christmas Great Again

  1. There’s a distinct pattern in history in that when a society moves further away from religion and embraces humanism and secularism, shit goes down. The Enlightenment was a good example. And it really stinks and messes up people so that the turnaround eventually comes and holiness instead of worldliness is once again sought after, because people start behaving more and more like animals (look around you at today’s world). We are not animals in the eyes of God.

  2. BigGun, Dang, I remember watching that with my kids when they were really young. You just triggered the way back machine. What the hell happened? Keep that Kimber handy my freind.

  3. who celebrates Christmas when they don’t believe in Christ?

    really, are the atheist really that dense?
    if you don’t believe in Christ then what the heck are you celebrating at Christmas?

    just what is Christmas without Christ?

  4. The League of the Militant Godless.

    Not enough that they “don’t believe” – they feel compelled (by whom, I wonder) to spread their “disbelief.” Similarly to the fags, the socialists, and the moslems, it’s simply not enough for them to follow their own star, to live as they wish to live; they must force the entire Earth to accommodate their mental illnesses and penchants for hatred.

    izlamo delenda est …

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