Auditing Fort Knox – IOTW Report

Auditing Fort Knox

This should be interesting.

22 Comments on Auditing Fort Knox

  1. Is there anything actually there? Is any of it actually gold versus gold-plated tungsten? If gold, what purity? And MOST IMPORTANTLY…WHO ACTUALLY OWNS IT???? Unless ALLof those questions are answered, the audit means NOTHING.

  2. SNS – It BETTER take some time. Just because bars are still there doesn’t mean the US still owns any of it. Gold has to be stored somewhere and Ft. Knox is quite secure. The rightful owners might be paying us a bundle.

  3. There’s a reason the audits are “missing”. I wouldn’t get too excited about the coming audit. I think it will be as anti-climactic as Jerry River’s and his Al Capone’s vault.

    And speaking of which: It finally articulated itself in my mind today. At the bottom of all the noise, and what makes me really, really, angry is that my own government broke its trust. Except for this president and his few personal picks, nothing the government can say or do right now can be trusted. Betrayal is a very serious thing. We’ve been completely betrayed. It would have been bad enough if there were just a few who transgressed, but it’s the majority of them. We’ve been asked to be loyal and upright citizens; obeying the laws of the land, and most of have lived exemplary lives in this regard; even to the point of our ruin. The U.S. government breached its social contract with us. Should we file a class action for damages?

  4. When the U.S. went off the gold standard Knox became a holding apparatus for, well, absolutely nothing. It stopped being part of the Fed Reserve. The whole things a carnival game. We’ve been on the barter system ever since we went off the gold standard and most people don’t get that. My labor is worth what the hell ever I can charge for it. If the dollar crashes it will have a devastating impact. For about a month. A new currency will replace it rapidly. And no credit cards. The banks won’t survive. Sniff.

  5. “All the gold in California is in a bank in Beverly Hills. In someone else’s name.”

    Nah, they left the state for Texas. I just read an article about the next round of huge corps leaving Cali. They have to to survive due to Gavin defaulting on a huge federal loan, and to pay it back Gavin decided it would be a good idea to tack on a 14% to any payroll to pay it back. Next year it doubles. My question is how fucking stupid is Newsom. I have a very small payroll. But 28% will force me to relocate lickitysplit.

  6. JMV
    Not yet. They’ve been working on that for over ten years. It’s unconstitutional as hell. But here’s what usually happens in California, and you need to consider most of our state law makers have less than a high school education. They’ll eventually just make it so. I need to get my ass out of here before that happens. They will eventually lose. But mean while it will be very painful for anyone who left this insane asylum.

  7. they use gold in electronic devices, and I’m sure most if not all has been used in all the devices we’ve used over the years, are currently using, or will be buying soon. So as far as I’m concerned “fort knox” is a fantasy, and so is the “gold” they claim is “stored” there. It’s all just numbers in ledgers anymore, nothing tangible, and if you need a picture, I suggest using some form of Graphical AI app to generate a pretty video or a pretty picture to satisfy your desire to see something gold and shinny, because it’ll be more believable than what they want you to believe is there.


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