Aunt Jemima is Racist??? – IOTW Report

Aunt Jemima is Racist???

usa today-

Aunt Jemima brand is changing its name and removing the namesake Black character.

The pancake syrup company Aunt Jemima is changing its name and imaging in the wake of renewed calls for racial equality. 

The Quaker Oats-owned company said Wednesday that the iconic Aunt Jemima figure on its packaging is “based on a racial stereotype” and acknowledged that its prior work to update the character was “not enough.”

“We will continue the conversation by gathering diverse perspectives from both our organization and the Black community to further evolve the brand,” said Kristin Kroepfl, vice president and chief marketing officer of Quaker Foods North America, in a statement sent to USA TODAY. The move was reported earlier by NBC News and Adweek.

Shoppers will start to see new packaging at the grocery store without the Aunt Jemima image in the fourth quarter of this year. The company’s new name for the syrup and other products will be announced soon after. 


56 Comments on Aunt Jemima is Racist???

  1. I’m not sure how getting rid of a tribute to a black woman is curing the so called systemic racism.
    Essentially just another casualty of the cancel culture. Changing the name and brand is basically just putting poor Aunt Jimima out to pasture. She had a good run but they finally got her.

  2. I recall when I was young seeing negro faces starting to appear in commercials. It was wonderful to see the shedding of discrimination in this manner and many others. It looks like we are retracing our steps back toward separation. The difference will be who is discriminated against.

  3. Unconscious racism. That’s why so many people bought these products. That’s why you changed the radio station when some Black Colored rapper started rapping. It’s why you gave up on the NBA and the NFL, because you got tired of listening to Black Colored People explain why that dumb girlfriend needed a lesson in proper behavior, and why the American National Anthem needs to be ignored. It’s also the reason you believe O. J. Simpson killed two White Colored People and got away with it, since he had an all Black Colored jury of imbeciles. It’s why you believe Dr. Cosby deserves to stay in prison for drugging and raping all those women. This explains why you believe Kobe Bryant was a rapist. Unconscious Racism is also the reason you believe Barack Hussein Obama was a horrible, traitorous, crooked, Muslim loving, Christian hating politician. Unconscious Racism explains a lot of things, doesn’t it?

  4. @Ghost – Very possible because you can’t win with them. If the character is white, “why are we excluded?” If they are black “that’s too racist for us.” Just make all characters gray, I guess.

  5. “Change it to a hillbilly cracker. Rename it Honkey Hillbilly Syrup.”

    Anonymous Erik, let’s hold off on that until we see if Colonel Sanders survives the current mascot pogrom.

  6. Well. I object to calling a sausage made in the US as “Polish sausage”! How dare they insult my heritage!!!! And – “Polish dill pickles” !!
    The shame of the racist namecalling is making me ill. I’m going to have to sue for mental stress.

  7. I think what I will do at this point is to avoid all places of business that have Black employees, waitresses, cashiers, etc., and spend my money elsewhere. If I see a Black person present I am walking out the door. I am not a racist and the last thing I want to do is offend a Black person.

    This is the only way I know, with certainty, to end the possibility of racial offenses, whether they be real or merely perceived.

    I have watched livestreamed protest/riot video each night since this all began. Hours and hours. I can say with certainty, after listening to many BLM reps and leaders speaking to their crowds in cities across this nation: they will NOT be happy until White people are gone. The very existence of White people is the problem. White equals Racism.

    These people do not want “equality.” Do not be fooled. They hate the police, just as all criminals do, but they do not hate power and brute force. They are authoritarian and won’t hesitate to stomp your head into the pavement for mere disagreement.

    But, ya, I buy real maple syrup anyway.

  8. I better get to the store and stock up. That Aunt Jemima label is going to be collectable in 100 years or so.

    I prefer actual maple syrup, even if it is more expensive than the high fructose corn syrup mass produced kind.

  9. They are seriously considering renaming the syrup aunt karen.

    I Juse complained at the deli counter that the po- potato salad is placed too close to the black forest ham.

  10. Progressives wouldn’t know sincerity if it walked up and bit them in the ass.

    Notice that there is no mention of the progressives movement’s shrines that celebrate the most racist and segregationist President since reconstruction? Possibly the most racist/segregationist President period.

    There is a Woodrow Wilson public school in most, if not all, Democrat run cities for a reason. They get off on making families of black school children Have to make the hobbesian choice of having their kids sit in a building honoring and celebrating racism/segregation or not attending their neighborhood public school.

    It really is that grotesque what the progressive movement stands for.

    A Hobson’s choice is a free choice in which only one thing is offered. Because a person may refuse to accept what is offered, the two options are taking it or taking nothing. In other words, one may “take it or leave it”.

  11. It depicts a happy negro woman – gotta go!

    Negro women gotta be scowling, angry, Angela Davis dykes or mumble-mouf assholes like Mad Max Waters. Or just put a sparkly hat on her head (that don’t fit), like Frederica Wilson.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Mrs. Butterwowrth is white. Why is no one complaining about her? Huh? Huh???

    I like the syrup bottles. You just know they’re women and don’t really think about what color. Good gravy, people have nothing better to do. Swallow your pill bottle fucking emos.


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