Australia to halve immigration intake, toughen English test for students – IOTW Report

Australia to halve immigration intake, toughen English test for students


The Australian government says it will halve the migration intake within two years in an attempt to fix the country’s “broken” immigration system.

It aims to slash the annual intake to 250,000 – roughly in line with pre-pandemic levels – by June 2025. Visa rules for international students and low-skilled workers will also be tightened under the new plan.

Migration has climbed to record levels in Australia, adding pressure to housing and infrastructure woes. But there remains a shortage of skilled workers, and the country struggles to attract them.

Unveiling a new 10-year immigration strategy at a media briefing on Monday, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said the migration system had been left “in tatters” by the previous government. more

13 Comments on Australia to halve immigration intake, toughen English test for students

  1. I’m just barely old enough to remember when Australia’s immigration policy was you couldn’t immigrate there unless you could add to their economy. I’m willing to bet the very same people that changed that are the same people that took away their guns.

  2. To the above. The Aussies are done. No balls. Europe is kicking up their heals. That will be squelched soon too. With the exception of the Irish. They have a long history of being the fly in the punch bowl. The assholes at your wedding. And the new guy they’re trying to prosecute lives in Las Vegas. Good luck with that. Conor McGregor will show up in Ireland after he’s elected President. With lots of help.

  3. all political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party – Mao Zedong

  4. “Just say NO.”
    Or just say “Hell, NO!”

    Why are they fucking around? Stop ALL immigration, immediately. Done and done.
    They’ve stretched it out over a two-year period so they can fudge it all – a pretense of doing something when actually doing nothing – pretty typical of politicians.
    And in the end they’ll re-open the floodgates and import rat-people by the hundreds of thousands. Their politicians are just like ours – lying pieces of shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Awww…Are the tyrants who run Australia finding out that their imported minions are out of control? I wonder when that revelation is going to dawn on the dipshits tyrannizing America. Some of us are way ahead of them and acting accordingly. Within the law, of course, if not the “rules”…For now.


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