Drug Overdose Deaths Far Exceed Gun Deaths
Drug overdose deaths far exceeds gun deaths, yet the left is talking about legalizing drugs and making guns illegal. ht/ Petrus
Drug overdose deaths far exceeds gun deaths, yet the left is talking about legalizing drugs and making guns illegal. ht/ Petrus
Is it Idiocracy yet? Newser- Pot lovers in one Colorado county will soon be getting high for higher education. With a 60% majority, voters in Pueblo County voted on Tuesday [Read More]
Another historic first!!! Henry, at first, thought he was merely a homo. But, no. There is so much more spotlight to gain by saying you’re actually a girl! Queers are [Read More]
Story and Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGJUmCi2-Jk story ht/ finai
^The ad says, FULL GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP^ So, for all the morons pontificating that West Point doesn’t “award scholarships,” Ben Carson accepts your apologies and is sorry that your abject ignorance made you [Read More]
ISIS member gots himself a badass toy. Watch him as he impresses his friends!!
Now I’m offended. I didn’t know Santa Claus lived in a gay eskimo bachelor pad. WTF is this supposed to be? ht. FDR in Hell
Someone sent this to me and said “I hope you listen to it.” I did, over and over.
Here’s the bad news- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itxKeLigUSE Here’s the good news-
A lefty sees this statistic and knee-jerkingly says it’s evidence of white racism. Either a massive amount of blacks are being wrongly convicted, or the criminal justice system is letting white [Read More]
A guy named Josh Feurstein is trying to get an idea to catch fire in order to burn Starbucks for not putting Merry Christmas on their coffee cups. The cups [Read More]
Who believes this story? Who believes an anti-war protestor tried to join the marines in 1975 when they were already married? Well, apparently the “super-inquisitive” press believes her, because none of [Read More]
This was a picture accompanying an article about the impending closure of Gitmo. What the hell am I looking at??
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