Stalking and Hunting – It’s What Critters Do
Images from: 2 Eugenia (Samson) 3 Big Gun 6 Little Sis (Pistol) 7 & 8 Dee (Missy) 10 TennDon (Barred Owl) 11 TennDon (Great Blue Heron) The rest of the [Read More]
Images from: 2 Eugenia (Samson) 3 Big Gun 6 Little Sis (Pistol) 7 & 8 Dee (Missy) 10 TennDon (Barred Owl) 11 TennDon (Great Blue Heron) The rest of the [Read More]
. . . . Found on Twitter. Does this make you angry? I was; until it was revealed that it was posted on the door of a Funeral Home! [Read More]
Images from: 1 Rose W (Emma) 2 JustAl 3 Conservative Cowgirl 4 & 5 Cathy (Apollo and Rocky) 6 annony mouse (Ruby) 7 Poor Lazlo (Angus) 8 Sturge 9 Reiuxcat [Read More]
Found this on Twitter and, yes, I did them all. 10 FUN FACTS 1. You can’t wash your eyes with soap. 2. You can’t count your hair. 3. You can’t [Read More]
Images from: 1 TennDon (piebald white-tail deer fawn) 2 Bcattin 4 Jeannine (Stella) 5 The Rat Fink (Half-N-Half) The rest of the images are courtesy of Submit your critter [Read More] Hold the phone: Massachusetts man designs unique car with nice ring to it A Massachusetts man, who has been into phones since he was a kid, transformed a 1975 [Read More]
Who can tell me where that line came from; “Hey, Old Buddy, Old Friend, Old Pal O’ Mine”? Images from: 2 MaryfromMarin 3 Jane 5 Sturge 6 Bayouwulf 7 Eugenia [Read More]
Images from: 1 Anymouse 2 Eugenia (Chessie in her Doggles) 3 drllpsh 4 Jaxxon (Gunner) 5 Frank 6 Little Sis (Pistol) 7 Hanover (Hero) 8 Mr. Mxyzptlk (Razor) 9 Corky [Read More]
Podesta Emailed About an Assassination Three Days Before Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s Suspicious Death True Pundit – True Pundit personnel, who have served in varying intelligence capacities and agencies for [Read More]
Trump pardons ranchers whose arrests led to armed occupation of wildlife refuge Fox News: President Trump on Tuesday pardoned the father and son ranchers from Oregon whose imprisonment for setting [Read More]
Images from: 1 Marco (Jameson) 5 Sturge 8 Big Gun 9 Eugenia (Daffy Willow) The rest of the images are courtesy of Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming [Read More]
*This is a rant. I’m a self-admitted Grammar Nazi. I try to suppress the desire to teach the proper use of English, but this one issue keeps coming up. This [Read More]
Keep your critters safe during the fireworks while we celebrate our INDEPENDENCE and freedom! Images from: 3 Dee 4 The Rat Fink 7 radioationman (frog on window) 8 Jerry Manderin [Read More]
Fox News – Richard ‘Old Man’ Harrison of ‘Pawn Stars’ dead at 77 Richard Harrison, the curmudgeonly patriarch of the “Pawn Stars” family whose grumbling about the goings-on in the [Read More]
Images from: 2 Corona (Durango) 4 Eugenia (Rupert Jughead) 5 Corky 9 Conservative Cowgirl 10 Eugenia The rest of the images are courtesy of Want your critter pictures in [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.