Tonight’s Soothiness – A Steam Powered Ballad
Put aside the weirdness (this group’s unique style is to dress and move like automatons), just listen to the beautiful harmonies and hauntingly sad lyrics of loss and longing. Watch
Put aside the weirdness (this group’s unique style is to dress and move like automatons), just listen to the beautiful harmonies and hauntingly sad lyrics of loss and longing. Watch
This was originally posted October of 2016, but it just seems so apropos now. Watch
Pillsbury wants to get in on the fun of wearing bad Christmas sweaters this year, so they are giving Doughboy themed seasonal sweaters away on their website. Just pay shipping. [Read More]
Paradise, CA homeowner Andrea Gaylord was forced to evacuate last month before the Camp Fire swept through her neighborhood. Unable return home to fetch her dog, Madison, Gaylord had to leave him [Read More]
China has launched its moon mission to place a lander and rover on the side that faces away from this planet. Besides collecting samples, they will also study radio astronomy [Read More]
Back in October, an Iowa man checked out books from the Orange City Public Library. The titles were David Levithan’s “Two Boys Kissing”; Suzanne and Max Lang’s “Families, Families, Families!”; Gayle E. Pitman’s [Read More]
Shipping companies looking to cut their carbon footprint have begun exploring the use of rotor sails which would put giant spinning column on the decks of the giant container ships [Read More]
A handgun missing since 1990 from the Seattle police was found in a faded bowling bag over the locker of a long time officer who had reported the weapon was gone. [Read More]
An Instatgram post from last weekend declared that the middle-aged illegal immigrant from Honduras, Mirian Celaya had completed her journey to join her sister in Dallas, TX. Celaya had been part [Read More]
It has been 77 years since The United States was forced into the Second World War by the Empire of Japan. The surprise attack on America’s pacific fleet at Pearl [Read More]
With the opposing sides meeting today in Stockholm, there is hope that the Iranian backed Houthi movement and the Saudi supported Arab coalition will be able to broker an arrangement that [Read More]
In a series of bills passed yesterday, the republican majority in Wisconsin’s state house await out-going governor Scott Walker’s signature on a number of measures that will limit the ability [Read More]
The Hill – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is reportedly weighing placing term limits on Democratic chairmen in an effort to lock down the votes needed to secure the Speaker’s gavel. [Read More]
A woman in D.C.’s Dupont Circle created a little free library and dedicated to it Michelle Obama. Someone didn’t appreciate the effort and has vandalized the simple structure numerous times. Here While [Read More]
At an estimated 1.38 twitter followers last month, New York’s 14th district U.S. House Representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a social media phenomenon. Experts observing the 29-year-old’s struggles expressing profound thoughts [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.