75 Years Ago, The Germans Surrendered At Stalingrad
The Nazis launched Case Blue in late June 1942 as their last best hope of knocking the Soviets out of WWII. It came to an end 75 years ago on [Read More]
The Nazis launched Case Blue in late June 1942 as their last best hope of knocking the Soviets out of WWII. It came to an end 75 years ago on [Read More]
Without going into specifics, Democrats hope to take back control of the federal government by vowing to take away the tax cuts the American people are currently receiving from the [Read More]
Imagine you started a club and everyone at work had to pay dues to it. Now imagine that club grew to incorporate people from multiple states in your industry with [Read More]
Political prognosticators recall recent history when the federal government was dominated by a single party for a cycle. Scanning the horizon, they seek signs that the American people want to return [Read More]
“Reason vs Emotion” Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson appeared on BBC 4 to discuss the “gender pay gap” and his new book “Twelve Rules for Life” with host Kathy Newman [Read More]
Researchers claim that they have taught a killer whale to say “hello”, bye-bye”, “Amy” and to count to three by using her blow hole. As amazed as everyone seems at [Read More]
Slated for release right around Easter, “Paul, Apostle of Christ” is the story of the final days of Jesus’ disciple before his execution by Nero in Rome. The trailer was [Read More]
I had an e-mail from Vimeo today on their selections for best works of 2017. Towards the end of the offerings was this gem from Russia. The band’s name is [Read More]
In a stunning admission, German public broadcaster ARD admitted to “boosting” the sound of boos at the end of President Trump’s speech at Davos last week. The producers declared that they enhanced the [Read More]
It takes government bungling on a massive scale to create an opportunity for fraud this large. Yesterday, 36 people went on trial in France for defrauding the government out of [Read More]
Obama and his national security team are bound to go down in history as the least effective, if not the most destructive, to world peace this country has ever produced. As evidence [Read More]
Apparently hoping to match the sudden surge in recording sales last year after the Grammys, singer Joy Villa was outfitted this year with a right to life message (complete with [Read More]
A number of Democrat senators and house members have invited illegal immigrant “Dreamers” to this year’s State of the Union Address. Fox News commentator, Todd Starnes has perhaps the best suggestion for [Read More]
Hunted out of existence a hundred years ago, the federal government has finally declared that the Eastern Cougar is no more. For conservationists, this is actually good news, it allows [Read More]
Fox News is airing a seven part series, “Scandalous,” on the life and crimes of President Bill Clinton. In episode 1, which aired last week, we were shown the Arkansas years [Read More]
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