The Intimidation Game
Kimberley Strassel of the WSJ has a new book out that documents attempts by Liberals in positions of power to harass, intimidate and silence those they disagree with since Citizen’s United. She [Read More]
Kimberley Strassel of the WSJ has a new book out that documents attempts by Liberals in positions of power to harass, intimidate and silence those they disagree with since Citizen’s United. She [Read More]
A release of documents by Judicial Watch indicates that Hillary and staff who were using her private server were having difficulty getting their e-mails past the security measures used by [Read More]
Reading like a Who’s Who List, the Council of on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and UC Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender put together a report of organizations and individuals they [Read More]
The Smoking Gun has released a document that spells out the conditions Hillary Clinton demanded for those seeking her as a speaker. The list was apparently among the items hacked from [Read More]
In an effort to improve performance, four men and women of a Chinese bank were subjected to an old fashion behavioral correction in front of their fellow employees by a [Read More]
The secular ideologues populating our college campuses are particularly focused on opposing Christian belief. Not satisfied with protesting and trying to shut down Christian speakers and organizations on their campuses, they attack [Read More]
In a blatant act of Multiculturalism, Canadian Islamic schools use a textbook published by the Saudi Ministry of Education in Arabic. A translation and review of a recent edition raises [Read More]
Thomas Roberts, who anchors MSNBC’s afternoon show, gets caught trying to conflate military weapons with those available to the general public and doesn’t like it. When challenged by Larry Pratt [Read More]
The UN refugee agency has declared 2015 a record year for people forced out of their homes by war and natural disaster. At 65.3 million, three nations account for more [Read More]
The Hardwick Gazette is trying a unique approach to find a new owner; awarding itself as the prize to the writer of the best 400 word essay “about the entrant’s skills and [Read More]
Called “lateral entry,” the military is exploring bringing civilians in at the rank of “full bird Colonels or Navy Captains” to fill positions that have a civilian equivalent. A key [Read More]
Putting vegetables together to make them look like yummy delicious desert is apparently a new thing coming out of Japan. You put something like this out at a picnic this [Read More]
Anti-Trump activist in Phoenix, AZ put a blow up likeness of the candidate in KKK robe outside a Trump rally yesterday. Described as “immigrant activists” yet strangely their organization went unnamed by [Read More]
People’s Cube: What’s it like to fire a Daisy bb gun? It’s an experience I’ll never forget. Everybody knows bb guns are scary looking and ought to be banned, but [Read More]
Syrian policy specialists at the State Department this week sent a “dissent channel cable” to the White House demanding air strikes against the Assad regime in order to move peace [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.