Day of Silence For Day of Indoctrination
Today isn’t just for paying taxes, The Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) declared it a “Day of Silence.” According to their website it is “a student-led national [Read More]
Today isn’t just for paying taxes, The Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) declared it a “Day of Silence.” According to their website it is “a student-led national [Read More]
In 2011, security officers of the University of California -UC Davis applied a health dose of pepper spray to protestors conducting a sit in on the campus. Images and [Read More]
Starting in May, U.S. citizens will be able to take the Carnival ship Adonia to Cuba. The trip is open to all except Cuban Americans, because the Castro regime refuses to [Read More]
Steve Miller was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last week and proceeded to complain very loudly about the organizers of the event. The extent of his [Read More]
For the last year and a half a group of parents in the city of Middleton, WI have been offering a free lunch every Tuesday in a city park adjacent [Read More]
Breitbart Texas has posted a story on what appears to be Mexican police and military authorities placing a plastic bag over the head of a captured cartel member in order to get information. [Read More]
California no sooner imposed a $15.00 an hour minimum wage on itself, then Los Angeles unions went to the city council and asked to be exempted. Union leaders aren’t just [Read More]
In an effort to claim a narrative, climate alarmist Bill Nye agreed to be interviewed by journalist Marc Morano for his upcoming documentary Climate Hustle. Nye showed up with a [Read More]
A Philadelphia judged has ruled that the copyright infringement case against Led Zeppelin may move forward and ordered it be transferred to federal court in Los Angeles. At issue [Read More]
After less than three years of trying to compete in the 24 hour television news market, Al Jazeera America shut down operations last night. Approximately 700 people will be looking for work [Read More]
Rachel Dolezal is back on TV and on the internet today, apparently promoting a new book, though she doesn’t seem to have an agent or publishing deal. Appearing on NBC’s [Read More]
UNICEF is reporting that the Islamic terrorist group, Boko Harem is increasing the use of children as suicide bombers against Nigeria and neighboring states. Seventy five percent of them are [Read More]
The remote Canadian First Nation of Attawapiskat declared a state of emergency after 11 members of the 2,000 person community were prevented from committing mass suicide this weekend. Since last [Read More]
Apparently Bruce Jenner’s journey to where ever he’s been going the last year is going to end short of the ultimate destination. In a recent interview, Jenner has indicated his discomfort [Read More]
For the first time in a century the number of tigers in the wild has increased. Moving from a historic low of 3,200 in 2010, the World Wild Life Fund [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.