Dr. Tar – Page 782 – IOTW Report

Slop Art

Monday, 26 October 2015, 23:00 Dr. Tar 10

An Italian cleaning crew entered the Museion Bozen-Bolazno and discovered one of the rooms had been used for a party. So they tidied it up. Only it was really an [Read More]

Families Matter

Monday, 26 October 2015, 18:45 Dr. Tar 16

Recent studies indicate a clear link between the intact families and prosperity for children.      Imagine if Johnson’s Great Society debacle had been geared toward nuclear families instead.  More [Read More]

They Didn’t Let the Wookie Win

Monday, 26 October 2015, 17:15 Dr. Tar 6

Chewbacca reportedly drove up to a polling place in Odessa, Ukraine with Darth Vader and attempted to campaign for the dark lord on voting day. That’s not allowed. More

Blacks Not Feeling the Bern?

Sunday, 25 October 2015, 20:30 Dr. Tar 6

A rally for Bernie Sanders (VT-I) was held in D.C. last week and The Daily Caller sent a reporter to witness the proceedings. The speaker, apparently obsessed about the lack [Read More]

Suicide Drones Used In Syria

Saturday, 24 October 2015, 20:00 Dr. Tar 0

Reports differ on whether it was the Russians or the Iranians who deployed suicide drones in Syria’s civil war, but experts know the weapons system does exist. This will force [Read More]

Lenin Gets a Make-Over

Saturday, 24 October 2015, 18:00 Dr. Tar 5

Ukraine ordered the destruction of reminders of the Soviet Era last April. So the citizens of Odessa came up with a creative way to re-purpose the statue of Lenin. Story

Texas Raids Planned Parenthood

Friday, 23 October 2015, 16:45 Dr. Tar 1

In a sweeping move, Texas authorities subpoenaed the records of five Planned Parenthood facilities and raided their centers in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Brownsville onThursday.  

Another Candidate Drops Out

Friday, 23 October 2015, 10:58 Dr. Tar 14

Lincoln Chafee (RI-D) announced today that he is withdrawing his name from consideration as the democrat nominee for president.    More      

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