Washed Up Wreckage Maybe From MH 370
Speculation abounds today over the large metal object that has reportedly washed ashore on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.
Speculation abounds today over the large metal object that has reportedly washed ashore on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.
Two Los Angeles gangs have reportedly started a contest to be the first to kill 100 people in 100 days. The area between Western and Normandie Avenues has been designated [Read More]
The tag line for the upcoming Benghazi movie – “When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right.” Take a look at the Trailer I don’t [Read More]
Asked a series of questions on how he would fix Washington, D.C., Governor Scott Walker (WI-R) gave a one-size fits all answer: Send the money back to the states and local [Read More]
Apparently there’s a storm brewing in a tea pot over Senator Ted Cruz’s (TX-R) selection of Rorschach from The Watchmen to be among his top five favorite comic book characters.
The Washington Post has an ongoing post that shows which Republican candidates they believe are going to be in the first debate on August 10 on FoxNews.
A Florida man lights up the BBQ grill in his back yard and a neighbor calls the County Air Compliance officer to file a complaint.
Jack Cashill makes a strong argument that putting leftists in charge has been a one way ticket to Bizarro World.
Middle school kids of Humboldt, Iowa were told that they were attending a conference to fight bullying of their fellow LGBT students, what they got was bullying from an activist group [Read More]
A women leaving a cancer clinic after receiving her last chemo treatment is greeted with a nice send off. Watch h/t College Insurrection
In a demonstration of his continuing policy of “punish our enemies and reward our friends,” the Obama Administration has announced that from now on all inspector generals in the federal [Read More]
A bicyclist in Idaho stops to take a dump in the woods. He’s brought toilet paper but no means to cover or carry his deposit, but he did bring matches. [Read More]
Ben Shapiro makes an excellent argument for all the positives a Donald Trump candidacy brings to the Republican party at this point in the race.
In an obvious move to placate Israel after finalizing the Iran nuke deal, The Obama administration is preparing to release convicted spy Jonathan Pollard.
After The Daily Signal listed the 41 companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, there was an immediate response from many of those corporations. Some contacted PP and demanded their names [Read More]
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