PP Pulls Corporate Donor List
After The Daily Signal listed the 41 companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, there was an immediate response from many of those corporations. Some contacted PP and demanded their names [Read More]
After The Daily Signal listed the 41 companies that donate to Planned Parenthood, there was an immediate response from many of those corporations. Some contacted PP and demanded their names [Read More]
A number of animal rights group objected to the annual St. Patrick’s pig wrestle in Stephenville, WI. (or what Obama calls, date night with Michelle). So the parish canceled the event [Read More]
Article 2 of the Articles of Impeachment against Nixon state: He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to… cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of [Read More]
It looks like Planned Parenthood has gone into Def Con 1 as it desperately reviews what it has been revealing about itself to outside venders, particularly a company called Biomax (the [Read More]
This is the kind of cooperation and statesmanship we need more of in Washington. Senators Ted Cruz (TX-R) and Rand Paul (TN-R) are in agreement on defunding Planned Parenthood.
In an attempt to embarrass Governor Scott Walker (WI-R) while on the stump in Iowa, Voces de la Frontera shipped in a family of illegals to demand that he not [Read More]
In an interview with the German magazine Stern, one of the surviving cartoonist for the French satirical, Charlie Hebdo, announced that they will no longer draw Muhammad.
What if I told you the very same joke Donald Trump made about John McCain was already made a long, long time ago?
A recent poll of Muslims in the United States indicate some disturbing indications that the “melting pot” isn’t making much of a dent on their culture.
In recognition of the end of Ramadan, one of the great Icons of NYC, the Empire State Building, was lit up in Green.
A fast moving wildfire swept across a California highway, burning 20 cars. Fortunately, no drivers were injured. Air units that could have been dispatched to quash the flames were delayed [Read More]
The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron and Melissa Klein, have been able to raise in excess of $380,000 (according to Continue to Give) in order to meet the [Read More]
A couple of assistant professors in communications from Canadian created a freeloading robot that is expecting travelers to help it hitchhike from Boston to San Francisco.
There’s a new superfood that promoters claim “taste just like bacon.” It’s a red seaweed called dulse. It grows wild along both the East and West Coast and is said to have [Read More]
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