MJA – Page 3815 – IOTW Report

Colorado’s ‘Green Decoy’ activist

Wednesday, 1 June 2016, 15:30 MJA 4

He is from the government, and he is here to help. Help his environmentalist cause, that is. Watchdog.org: Gaspar Perricone is the Legislative Liaison for Colorado’s Department of Natural Resources, [Read More]

The Golden State Scramble

Wednesday, 1 June 2016, 11:45 MJA 7

PatriotRetort: Uh-oh, spaghetti-o! Things aren’t looking good for our cankled Queen in the Golden State. What should have been an easy slide to victory in California is getting awfully bumpy. [Read More]

Why Did America Fight the Korean War?

Wednesday, 1 June 2016, 10:15 MJA 4

[Video] What was the Korean War? And why was America involved in such a faraway conflict? Was the United States’ sacrifice–35,000 killed, over 100,000 wounded–worth it? Historian Victor Davis Hanson, [Read More]

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