Barack Obama Nails Hillary Clinton in newly-published memo – IOTW Report

Barack Obama Nails Hillary Clinton in newly-published memo

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ABW: It’s a rare day when I find myself agreeing with President Obama’s views on just about anything. So, today, finding myself in awe of Barack’s astute assessment of a situation — and, dare I say, his LEADERSHIP on a particular issue — I’m humbled.

As a newly-published campaign memo shows, Barack Obama’s campaign had completely nailed Hillary Clinton for exactly who she is — as far back as 2007. The memo cites the current Democrat frontrunner’s

“shifting, dodging and changing positions to satisfy the politics of the moment” and “penchant for secrecy and non-disclosure reflect an underlying disdain for the “invisible” people for whom she claims to speak.” 

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Well, I wouldn’t get too excited about what Obama said about Hillary. After all, isn’t this just the pot calling the kettle African American?

10 Comments on Barack Obama Nails Hillary Clinton in newly-published memo

  1. NO matter how many times Seacow Hitllery tries to reinvent herself and shed her morbid past records, they cling to her thunder thighs like pond scum….no amount of rinsing in the river will cleanse that lawyer….she is as dirty as you can be without landing in prison, yet…

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