Battle for Kiev is underway – IOTW Report

Battle for Kiev is underway

CFP: Ukrainians in Kyiv huddled in air raid shelters Friday morning, as a battle for the city raged overhead and Ukrainian forces sought to hold back rapidly advancing Russian troops by blowing up a key bridge.

Before dawn, explosions lit up the sky as Russia targeted the city with missile strikes, according to a Ukrainian government adviser. A CNN team reported hearing two large blasts in central Kyiv and a third loud explosion in the distance, followed by at least three more explosions to the south-west of the city a few hours later. more

14 Comments on Battle for Kiev is underway

  1. On nooooo, the Ruskies are closing in on the biden families corrupt satellite money laundering country! What’s old crazy joe to do move ‘all’ of his leftover graft into China?????

  2. Spent three weeks in Kiev Ukraine in 1998 to visit Antonina and her older brother. Back then a lot of Ukrainians were commuting to Russia and daily working jobs there. But, even back then, they were beginning to look more towards western Europe and its culture, as they have yet to ever forget Stalin’s Holodomor (death by starvation) imposed on the Ukraine farmers, with a death toll estimated at around 10 million. Ukrainians have never forgotten and are a tough breed of people as a result. The entire country is blessed with fertile soil and farmland.

    Kiev is such a beautiful city. It would be a shame if the Russians mount a full-on attack. Additionally, The Dnieper River runs through the middle of Kiev…downstream from Chernobyl.

    Then, it was time to return to the states, Antonina and I kissed goodbye, a kiss that seemed to last forever, until her brother came to the Hotel Ukraine (where I was staying) to drive to the airport.

    Three weeks later, after returning home, received a letter, written in English, from her saying that she was diagnosed with “stomach” cancer.

    Soon after, this kind and beautiful woman passed away in her late twenties…Goodbye, Antonina. It took a very long time to recover from this. Now, the Russians are bombing the city where she lay.

  3. Is that a picture of a Chicken Kiev Burning on the Russian grill?

    Not that I want Ukes to lose their country. I just think the entire thing is a put up job orchestrated by some really bad people, and not just Russians.

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