Bernie Sanders Grocery Shopping – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Grocery Shopping

That’s the claim-

With his own money?
Did he yell at the 1% milk while he was there?
 I wonder if he got the 20 oz Shasta. J/k, that’s the only choice in a socialist utopia.
To be fair, drinking swiss miss is absolutely disqualifying
Even his canned soup choices are Progressive.
There are tons of comments where people are jizzing because a guy is shopping. Like these—
Just an awesome man
And that’s why we love & support him. He’s just human. ~ MA
These people are insane.
ht/ hot salsa

40 Comments on Bernie Sanders Grocery Shopping

  1. That picture alone will cost him hundreds of thousands of votes. Nobody wants a bent-over old man to run the country. Reagan was a senior but you couldn’t tell as he carried himself young at heart. This pic just shows an old man buying some food.

    Nicolas Gillespie and John Clark (the two pro bernie comments aren’t worth shit because they’d vote for him if he were in a pine box.

  2. Let me get this straight:

    These hipster doofuses (or is it ‘doofi’?) who recently proved to the world they can’t tell each other apart are telling us this old white guy is unmistakably Bernie Sanders. Because we all know there’s no one who looks like Bernie, and it’s perfectly reasonable to expect a well-known presidential candidate to schlep around at a local grocery store without a press entourage or security detail.


  3. TN Tuxedo, I live in Burlington and shop at the same Hannaford’s Super Market. Unfortunately, I have seen him a few times shopping there, usually looks like it just walked in from a homeless camp. Years ago he ran on in front of my car as I was turning into a side street but I was able to stop just in time, darn!

  4. Bernie was caught fondling the melons, leering and drooling. When asked if he wanted to buy anything, Bernie vigorously shook his head, creating a mini dandruff-snowstorm that landed all over the fresh pastry display.

  5. “Nicolas Gillespie and John Clark (the two pro bernie comments aren’t worth shit because they’d vote for him if he were in a pine box”

    …why not @scr_north, since many people who ARE in pine boxes will be voting for him …

  6. Yes, Janitor, the trees in Vermont are still bare in late April, and this photo has been confirmed as accurate. It’s snowing in Chicago right now and has been all day.

  7. I was an eyewitness to “Sheets” Byrd shopping the produce aisle in the Mclean Giant. With his cane propped in the cart, he was eagerly groping the melons. Don’t even get me started on Ethel Kennedy. Residing in enemy occupied territory is harrowing, at times.

  8. 21 items in the 10 or less lane.
    No coupons, but wants the discounts.
    Makes checker flip through weekly coupon paper.
    Wants to return opened box of wheat chex.
    Will pay with check.
    Forget licence.

  9. “I don’t like to shit in these trowsers, how do you spell pants? I shit myself, sometimes, it’s purely accidental… these bannanas are too capitalistic, Comradde! Do something about it!”

  10. I thought Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield did these menial errands for the Bern. Boy am I surprised to see that.

    Don’t they also take turns doing tissue paper duty in the head? They just can’t risk Bern straining his lower back reaching round to finish the paperwork.

  11. Wow. Buying groceries is such a Man of the People move. Show me the one that pumps their own gas.

    It must be really annoying for the other shoppers when he keeps redistributing items from their carts.


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