Bernie Sanders Shouted Down and Pelted With Glitter Bombs and Pies At Conservative Liberty College – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Shouted Down and Pelted With Glitter Bombs and Pies At Conservative Liberty College

No. That didn’t happen. Conservative students are adults, as opposed to the dirty, filthy idiotic children of the left.

The display of dignity afforded to an oppositional political candidate should be enough to give pause to Bernie himself and make him wonder if his opinions and politics are the correct blueprints for a better society, but Bernie isn’t smart enough. No leftist is.

7 Comments on Bernie Sanders Shouted Down and Pelted With Glitter Bombs and Pies At Conservative Liberty College

  1. Also, it appears no students jumped on stage and stole the microphone from him demanding a minute of silence for Kim Davis and the CCRM (county clerks’ rights matter) movement.

    Yet somehow, the media wants us to believe those on the right are the out-of control fanatics…

    As bad as the political environment is, seeing the respectful (ah, I think the word I’m looking for is…”tolerant”, or at least how I used to understand the meaning of the word) behavior of these students gives me hope.

  2. Shout him down? No. Glitter bomb him? No. Walk out and let him “speechify” to crickets? YES! Why would anyone listen to him? He’s a socialist. Socialism is the sworn enemy of all who stand up for what is good and right…….

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