Betty White’s Last Word Before She Died – IOTW Report

Betty White’s Last Word Before She Died


Vicki Lawrence – who worked with White on “Mama’s Family” – exclusively told Page Six that she contacted co-star and pal Carol Burnett as soon as she heard the tragic news.

“I texted Carol and said, ‘This just sucks. I hate this. It’s just horrible to see the people you love so much go away,’” Lawrence, 72, recalled.

“Carol wrote back and said, ‘I know, I know. I spoke to Betty’s assistant, who was with her when she passed, and she said the very last word out of her mouth was ‘Allen.’”

Lawrence continued, “How sweet is that? I said, ‘That is so sweet. God, I hope that’s true. For all of us, I really hope it’s true, a lovely thought.’”


Her husband, Allen Ludden died in 1981. She never remarried.

25 Comments on Betty White’s Last Word Before She Died

  1. For me the passing of BW elicited both admiration and sorrow.

    Her achievements in her chosen profession are beyond legendary. How lucky she was to able to ply her trade for 8 decades, to do what she loved for so long and in the manner in which she did it.

    But she died alone. Not ever having kids she never experienced the love, the warmth, the devotion that only a nuclear family can provide. Sure, her contemporaries will point out that her family was the millions of adoring fans, a poor substitute.

    I’ve known more than a few career women who reached the pinnacle of their profession, all proudly proclaiming that the trade off of not having a family was worth it, and they were all lying to themselves.

  2. I liked BW and a lots of other actors, actresses (why does no one use the female term anymore) and musicians.

    The problem is ALMOST every one of them is politically very leftist/socialist etc. It ruins everything they produce now days and makes me not want to watch or listen.

    HOWEVER, Re-record or Copy something they did or Sang and watch how fast they become CAPITALIST. In many cases this includes “how to play (_insert_song_title__ by (_insert_Band_Name_) on Guitar etc on Y-tube.

    Hypocritical privileged Losers! The music scale Only has 7 letters with sharps & flats some which are obviously the same (b->c =1/2 tone)

  3. (No words because of ventilator. Corpse shits itself as she goes, which is the same as what she would have said anyway, just from a different end)

  4. And of course the up coming “Insurrection Day” The day in history, he will always be remembered for. I never knew her/Betty’s political views, never cared to know. In fact this goes for every actor/actress, I never wanted to know anyone’s political opinions that works in the field. Can’t let it go, don’t like her, I don’t give a …k.
    Some people just don’t know when to stop, they just can’t help themselves.

  5. My mom was with her mom during her last moments. After being in a coma-like state for days, my grandmother opened her eyes, sat up, stretched her arms upward and softly said, “Take me, Jesus!” She then laid back down and let out her last breath. I’ve always been comforted by that as my mom was.

  6. FTA: “Page Six reached out to White’s rep for comment, who was not aware of her last word.”

    Typical. Make something up because you’re a has-been and this brings some temporary recognition your way.

  7. I don’t understand the vituperation for Betty White.
    Just another actress doing actress stuff.
    Most of em are parrots – that’s their strength.
    I honestly can’t recall a single thing she did or said, good or bad.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. OK, she seemed like a very nice person, but if she’s in a good place now, she might not mind a few laughs at her expense.

    Last words: Does this dress make me look old?

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